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RE: Rest Area For for The Traveler (Bilingual)

in #indonesia7 years ago


Lihatlah kawan2 para steemians, saya juga mengalami hal yang kalian rasakan selama ini, postingan saya tidak mendapatkan upvote dari @good-karma, postingan saya malah tidak sampaikan pun $1, apakah saya harus marah ? Padahal jika saya posting di pasti saya akan dapat upvote dari autovote mereka, tapi inilah kenyataannya kawan2ku. Tetap semangat, jangan putus asa.


Look at the friends of the steemians, I also experienced the things you feel so far, my post did not get an upvote from @good-karma, my post did not even mention $1, do I have to be angry? And if I post on I will be able to upvote from their autovote, but this is the reality of my friends. Keep the spirit, do not despair.