Ichsan Gaming -

in #indonesia7 years ago


Hello Steemian, come back with me muhammadichsan7. This time I will explain about Hero Lilith in game Heroes Evolved. Well just go ahead I will explain a little about heroes, attributes, skills, and others. Hopefully useful for all friends.


Info hero Lilith

Skill-lilith skill

• Skill 1 lilith named fired blades

Lilith rekindled her own health and bewitched her sword with fire, slowing and inflicting pure damage to one target enemy unit. If the current target percentage of health is higher than lilith, the target becomes confused.

- Damage: 200/240/280/320

- Range of deployment: 500

- Which fee: 100/120/140/160

- Pause: 8/7/6 / 5sec

- Dazed duration: 1.25 / 1.5 / .175 / 2dtk

- Movement slowed: 60%

• Skill 2 lilith named fiery rush

Stormed towards the target enemy unit, attacking and inflicting extra physical damage to extra damage for troops. If the unit dies because of this stroke, it gets around 70% of the cost for this department and the track is reset. Pause moves will also be reset when lilith kills the enemy's hero.

- Bonus damage: 100/140/180/220

- Range of briefing: 800

- Which fee: 100

- Pause: 9/8/7 / 6sec

• Skill 3 lilith named exploding bloom

Calling a flaming lotus flirting with fire, firing a fire every second that inflicts magical damage to a random enemy around the lilith and heals the health of that amount as well. Put the enemy's hero over the troops

- Damage: 100/150/200

- Radius: 800

- Where fee: 150/200/250

- Duration: 6sec

- Pause: 50/45 / 40dtk

• 4 lilith skill called protective globe

Whenever lilith loses 400 health, a protective ball gets triggered, causing magical damage to nearby enemies.

- Damage: 200/250/300/350

- Pause: 4sec

- Radius: 500

The advantages and disadvantages of hero lilith

- Advantages

• Can start the fight well especially against one target

• It is difficult to kill with high armor and health

- Deficiency

• Must maintain the right level of health for more effective lilith skills

• Skill 3 (Exploding bloom) sometimes feels very weak especially at the end of the game

Build skill lilith

- Lv 1-5: skill 2 - skill 1 - skill 4 - skill 3 - skill 2

- Lv 5-10: skill 1 - skill 2 - skill 3 - skill 2 - skill 4

- Lv 11-15: skill 1 - skill 3 - skill 1 - skill 4 - skill 4

Build items lilith

- Item

The combination of hero lilith

- Strong fight


- Beware of


- Fits with



Skin lilith

if you like my post please follow @ muhammadichsan7 wait for continuation in the next post


Halo Steemian, kembali lagi dengan saya muhammadichsan7. Kali ini saya akan menjelaskan tentang Hero Lilith dalam game Heroes Evolved. Baiklah langsung saja saya akan menjelaskan sedikit tentang hero, atribut, skill, dan lain lain. Mudah mudahan bermanfaat bagi teman-teman semua.


Info hero Lilith

Skill-skil lilith

• Skill 1 lilith bernama fired blades

Lilith mengobarkan kesehatannya sendiri dan menyihir pedangnya dengan api, memperlambat dan menimbulkan kerusakan murni pada satu unit musuh sasaran. Jika persentase kesehatan sasaran saat itu lebih tinggi dari pada lilith, sasaran menjadi linglung.

- Kerusakan: 200/240/280/320

- Jangkauan pengerahan: 500

- Biaya mana: 100/120/140/160

- Jeda: 8/7/6/5dtk

- Durasi linglung: 1.25/1.5/.175/2dtk

- Gerakan diperlambat: 60%

• Skill 2 lilith bernama fiery rush

Menyerbu ke arah unit musuh sasaran, menyerang dan menimbulkan kerusakan fisik extra kerusakan extra digandakan untuk pasukan. Jika unit mati karena jurus ini, lilit mendapatkan kembali 70% biaya mana untuk jurusan ini dan jedanya direset. Jeda jurus juga akan direset saat lilith membunuh jagoan musuh.

- Bonus kerusakan: 100/140/180/220

- Jangkauan pengarahan: 800

- Biaya mana: 100

- Jeda: 9/8/7/6dtk

• Skill 3 lilith bernama exploding bloom

Memanggil teratai berkobar yang disihir api, melancarkan api setiap detik yang menimbulkan kerusakan magis pada musuh acak di sekeliling lilith dan menyembuhkan kesehatan sejumlah itu juga. Mendahulukan jagoan musuh dari pada pasukan

- Kerusakan: 100/150/200

- Radius: 800

- Biaya mana: 150/200/250

- Durasi: 6dtk

- Jeda: 50/45/40dtk

• Skill 4 lilith bernama protective globe

Setiap kali lilith kehilangan 400 kesehatan, bola pelindung akan terpicu, menimbulkan kerusakan magis pada musuh di sekitar.

- Kerusakan: 200/250/300/350

- Jeda: 4dtk

- Radius: 500

Kelebihan dan kekurangan hero lilith

- Kelebihan

• Dapat memulai pertarungan dengan baik terutama melawan satu target

• Sangan sulit dibunuh dengan armor dan health yang tinggi

- Kekurangan

• Harus menjaga healthnya ditingkat yang tepat agar skill lilith lebih efektif

• Skill 3 (Exploding bloom) kadang terasa sangat lemah terutama di akhir permainan

Build skill lilith

- Lv 1-5 : skill 2 – skill 1 – skill 4 – skill 3 – skill 2

- Lv 5-10 : skill 1 – skill 2 – skill 3 – skill 2 – skill 4

- Lv 11-15 : skill 1 – skill 3 – skill 1 – skill 4 – skill 4

Build item lilith

- Item

Kombinasi hero lilith

- Kuat melawan


- Hati-hati terhadap


- Cocok dengan



Skin lilith

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