Hallo ...... steemian friends meet me again @ moezak in Game Cut The Rope 2 adventures with levels twelve to thirteen here we will discuss the adventure of Om Nom along with the Dragonfly Rider in solving the hidden puzzles inside the forest. Om Nom unleashed the Power he had been hiding.

Look at this picture they solve puzzles or play? ..... haa. hhh if I see they are going to plan something really amazing surprise surprise us, solve the puzzle while playing their plan. At the time under Om Nom spends some grapes, apples and strawberries magic Om Nom looks over his friend again holding a delicious sugar candy .... Wooooeee ... .. be careful later the candy drops. Laugh the dragonfly rider who was making Om Nom anxiously afraid the sugar candy falls to a halt.

Dragonflies rider flies pacing left-to-right like the song Ambon Maniseeeee ... .. he makes Om Nom confused how to get sugar candy let him in voracious, Om Nom think .... I will use science to wipe in the blink of an eye. How to use the science of busting Click on the part that the image in the form of chewing gum or Yupi magic, then immediately click on where we will go see this picture:

Om Nom immediately dashed into the air ...... ???? .... the speed that exists on the magical gum yupi still unknown in because of speed disappears like blinking eyes and he is no longer in sight .... Woooooeeeee .. terrible. If like that @moezak also want ..hhhh.hhaaa ... .. Om Nom please transfer Yupi magic yaaa .... See the picture below about Yupi magic:

The form of delicious permaya ... must mebuat toothache .... Wkwkw ... The first science in use was unsuccessful because sugar candy was brought flying by the dragonfly rider ... Pity the Om he was upset and rolled down clarity, but he could use his knowledge again to get back to the starting position .. steady ... .. Om Num directly look up to the candy is being improved by the dragonfly rider, Om nom issue the other science that is boh pokat magic yoo Booooommmm, just the Om put the boom on the dragonfly rider is, dragonfly rider was surprised Oooohhh almost detached wings and exposed to the vibration of the explosion. and releasing his sugar candy after boooming Om Nom's direct concentration using Science disappears in an instant once again he darts into the air and grabs the sugar candy in the air.

The radiance of his knowledge is increasingly terrible Wooooeee .... This is if Si Om is serious and focus on the sugar candy she will eat. Om Ni Nom is happy that he can use the knowledge he has. and finally the Om gets and points well enough. Click on this Video and see the result:
Om Nom along with the theme of the dragonfly rider who always accompany wherever Om Nom is .. happy and hard they are always both that a true friend, Finally adventure at level 12 finished.
The next day they leave for the next place ... do not know how long they will get to the destination, while walking they joke laughter and sing a song let the journey is not boring, when they sing a song suddenly they see there is a garden that -they are not happy but they are amazed by the huge garden but there is a very big tree has fallen and dismembered in the middle of the park.

They both remain calm in the face of what is in front of him, teamwork better than his own, dragonfly rider immediately pulled Om Nom to fly and be on the big wooden beams "very scary" if they fall on the wooden fall they will die instantly ... .. hopefully not happen that way. How to complete this level should be really focused if there will not happen things that are not in want. They both became panicked because the Om hung on the rope that was attached to the trunk of a tree that had been cut and the trunk large. do not know what will happen if the Om falls, the Om looks to the left and right he feels sore, suddenly the rope breaks and the Om falls and is attached to the next piece of wood.

Finally he uses the magical power of yupi and immediately the arrow where the sugar candy is. Nyammmmm ...... .Lellicious .. finally they finish the level with pretty good results. Here's how Om Nom and the dragon racer solve this puzzle, more detail follows this trail:
This is the only thing I can do @moezak on this post. Game Cut The Rope 2 level 12 & 13. Post article articles I took from screenschoot my Toshiba satellite l735 laptop and my own writing. If any words and writing are wrong I apologize to a steemian friend.
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