بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Hello Everyone
with me again, your steemit fractal artist : killy!
I hope you guys are staying with me, because this post is special, which i m gonna share for free my fractal art wallpaper for you all based on the fractal on the previous post.
Hallo semuanya
kembali bersama ana, seniman fraktal steemit : killy!
Ana harap antum sekalian disini bersama ana. Karena Post kali ini spesial, dimana ana akan membagikan dengan gratis, fraktal wallpaper bikinan ana untuk antum sekalian dari postingan yang sebelumnya.

Yes it does looks the same, because it was the same Parameter, i just play with one small part of the fractal.
If you only knew how.
Ya, terlihat sama karena dari Parameter yang sama, cuman ana mainin sedikit aja dari fraktalnya
Kalaupun antum tahu itu apa.

The render took the same time, and rendered into the same quality and the same resolution
But since i render 3 different parameter, it tooks a total time of 66 hours
Rendernya membutuhkan waktu yang sama dan di render dengan kualitas dan resolusi yang sama
Tapi karena ana render 3 parameter yang berbeda, jadi semuanya habis 66 jam-an lah

Here is the Download Link

هَذَا مِن فَضْلِ رَبِّي
And that is it everyone i hope you like the fractal that i made, some small contribution to your desktop / phone wallpaper.
Its something
Originally my Brother in law asked me for the fractal wallpaper that i posted on Facebook
So i thought sure why not, let him use it, then i had the idea to share with you all, freely
Well, not entirely Free only with the resolution of 1920x1080
Dan itu lah pemirsa, ana harap antum suka sama fraktal yang ana buat ini, sedikit konstribusi kecil untuk wallpaper layar monitor antum maupun layar handphone.
Ini sesuatu banget
Awalnya ada Ipar ana minta fraktal ana untuk wallpaper 4k laptopnya
Trus ana pikir, yaudah ambil aja. biarin aja dia pajang fraktal ana, trus ana ke idean deh share secara gratis untuk para pembaca di steemit
Tapi yang 4k nya ga gratis ya....

Alright everyone that is it for today post, if you have some thought about the fractal, let me know in the comment section. I love a good feedback.
And if you like my fractal art, please consider upvoting the post
Thanks for reading, Until some other time
Baiklah pemirsa, segitu dulu untuk post hari ini, kalau ada sesuatu yang ingin di sampaikan , silahkan tulis di bagian koment di bawah. Ana suka kalau ana dapat feedback
Dan kalau antum sekalian suka sama fraktal-fraktal ana, tolong upvote postingan ana ya
Terima kasih sudah membaca sampai di titik ini. sampai jumpa di lain waktu lagi

More about me
- Drop a like on my Facebook Page
- Follow my Twitter Account
- Follow and like my Tumblr Blog
- Drop a like and follow my Instagram Profile
- Purchase my Fractal on Dreamstime
- View my Curensea Profile

I am impressed Bro will follow you with pride, it my pic
thank you so much
well sir, you did have a bold look. thanks for sharing
Wah, benar- benar keren kk @killythirsk! Ajarin dong...D:
wah makasih, ada kepikiran bikin tutorialnya sih, tp gmn follower juga
ada kok di steemit yang ngepost tutorial fractal tapi bahasa inggris
Ooo, pas kali tuh bg! bg buat bilingual aja hehehe
Gradasi warnanya bagus banget ,keren ,ajib!you are a Very creative man@killythirsk
iya, makanya di render lagi dengan variasi yang berbeda. makasih banyak...
nice wellperpar
thank you sir
incredible what you have done, may be more successful @killythirsk.
thank you so much, i hope i will.
Vote dan follow back ya
Hi my brother
Teach me to use esteem better and useful
Until a lot of votes like you
Thanks. ..
hy there too bro
sadly i m new to steemit myself
but what i can suggest you is : try to post a content as best as you could and only post a good quality content
Assalamualaikum kakak,, follback kk
waalaykumusalam, ok di follow back
terimaksih kk.