in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)


Hello Everyone

Its me again, Killy
Today we are gonna explore one of my fractal collection, which i made some weeks ago. I've made them with a Fractal Software, i kinda forgot the actuall render time, as far as i remember i render this fractal in two days.
The story behind this Fractal is my friend Gillan need a new wallpaper to put into his 4k desktop monitor. And he ask me to create a fractal with has a similiar colour with his LED on his desktop PC.

Halo semuanya
Dengan ana lagi, Killy.
Hari ini kita akan mengexplore salah satu dari fraktal koleksi milik ana, yang ana buat beberapa minggu yang lalu. Ana buat dengan menggunakan fraktal software, ana lupa berapa jam ana render ini fraktal sebenernya, seingat ana habis 2 hari untuk render ini fraktal.
Jadi cerita dibalik fraktal ini, ada kawan ana namanya Gillan, dia butuh wallpaper baru untuk monitor 4k kepunyaannya
. Dan dia minta kepada saya untuk membuat fraktal yang warnanya hampir sama dengan warna LED dari komputer nya.

So that's a challenge, first i need to match the output colour of his LED, and secondly i need to render it two a 4k resolution. (3840x2160 pixel). But before i put the first step and the second step together. I need to create a fractal first.

Jadi itu tantangannya, berarti pertama-tama ana harus samain warna fraktalnya dengan warna lampu LED nya, dan setelah itu ana harus render fraktalnya dalam resolusi 4k (3840x2160 pixel). Tapi Sebelum itu tentunya ana harus bikin fraktalnya dulu.

I don't want to bother you all on the detail how i create those things, seriously you don't wanna to know. Lets skip about that part and Viola, this is the fractal!

ana gamau ngetik panjang-panjang menjelaskan tentang bagaimana ana bikin fraktal tersebut dengan detail. Seriusan, antum sekalian kagak mau tau, Beneran deh. Mari kita skip part itu, dan Viola. ini fraktalnya!



Ooopss i accidentally render it to 5760x3240, why so. Because i poured my heart into it entirely, until i forgot the output render resolution, what i remember is 4k resolution must be higher than 3000 pixel, i hit the shortest height to set to 3240 pixel, press render and goes to sleep

Ups ana ga sengaja ngerendernya ke resolusi 5760x3240, kenapa ? karena ana terlalu konsentrasi bikin fraktalnya sampai-sampai ana lupa resolusi output rendernya berapa, yang ana ingat 4k itu harusnya lebih dari 3000 pixel, jadi ana set aja tinggi gambarnya ke 3240 pixel, tekan render dan pergi tidur

Lets have some zoom directly to the center of the fractal

mari kita zoom langsung ke tengah-tengah fraktalnya



I just, ok, the good thing about being a fractalist ( Fractal Artist ) is when you wake up, after the morning hustle and opened up your PC, and you see that the render is done, and you click on the preview image, and boom

ana cuman ngerasa, ok. hal yang bagus menjadi seorang pembuat fraktal adalah, ketika bangun tidur, setelah kesibukan pagi terlewati dan ketika ana membuka PC, dan ana lihat rendernya sudah beres. dan ana click preview gambar, dan boom

two days waiting are worth it

dua hari menunggu tidak sia-sia

Here is Gillan's Desktop PC with my other Fractal on it, that the LED that i want to match with. its hard

ini komputer milik Gillan dengan fraktal ana yang lain sebagai background, itu LED yang harus ana samain warnanya sama fraktal ana yang di atas. Susah!


So What do you guys think about this Fractal Piece ?. Tell me in the comment, critics are always appreciated. If you guys want to see it with the true resolution, links are included below.
If you like my art consider for upvoting the post. Thank you for staying with me.
Until some other time... Fiuuuusshshhhsh~~ (poorly made wind sounds)

Jadi gimana menurut pendapat mba mba e mas mas e tentang Fraktal saya ini ?. Comment di bawah ya. kalau ada yang mau kritik silahkan. Kalau ada yang mau view di web dengan resolusi yang asli, link ada di bawah.
Kalau antum suka sama karya seni yang ana tampilkan ini, please consider upvote postnya. Terima kasih .
Sampai lain waktu Fiuuuusshshhhsh~~ (suara angin buatan yang tidak bagus)

More about this Fractal Piece
Purchase at Dreamstime
View on Instagram
Zoom on

more about me

Instagram @killythirsk
some of my fractal is on sale here

follow me-03.png


Dear Killy,

I am so glad you replied to one of my blogs.
Else I would not have found your profile yet.
Worse: I may not have found you ever.....

scrolling trough your feed is inspiring.
great works of art! (period! haha)

So, I am happy for the connection you made and a bit upset because it didn't occurred earlier...

But then again, what is "earlier" in time huh ;)
(A little "inside" joke)

its about "time" :)

thanks, its good to talking about something bigger with stranger who has complete different perspective. an exchange a few thought.

looking forward to read more from your blogs, if i had the "time" :D

haha, aye, that reply made me laugh.
I will stop my time perception and enjoy the laughter for a while before writing more.


Upvote my pleasa

dude i rarely upvote a post without reason

Karya seni yang sangat bagus, saya menyukai, Terima Kasih @killythirsk

makasih banyak bang...

kreatif antum... good picture, boleh dunk blajar? @kunilfalah

jazaakallahu khoir akhi, ana ada rencana ngasi tutorial gmn cara buatnya, tp tergantung penonton dulu...

mantrappp tu..
saya dukung antum

Keep it up for your talent :)

i will insyaAllah

jazaakallahu khoir

Amazing great

Sudah saya vote ya @killythirsk

trims, posting yang tadi bagus bang, sudah ana vote juga

Very good

thank you so much

Tolong upvote ya kawan
Saya sangat berharap vote anda kawan..

Beautiful fractal design. Thanks for sharing the high resolution very nice details and textures.

thank you friend, thanks so much, i will post more

great look at your workspace!
nice fractal!

grtz, @vjbasil

thank you friend, greeting too @killythirsk

Postingan yang mantap semoga sukses selalu bersama Steemit Community..

makasih banyak bang, moga2 ketemu deh sama communitynya

Di follow dan vote @fandemcobra iya