Sabang Freediving kompetisi 2017

in #indonesia7 years ago

Wonderfull Indonesia

Don't miss the Sail Sabang Freediving Competition 2017 that will be held on November 26th - December 2nd in the pristine Sabang of Aceh province. Athletes from around the world will join this inaugural competition as part of the International Sail Sabang, including New Zealand's freediving world record holder William Trubridge. Among his many accomplishments is the 7.29 minutes on Static Apnea record.

Jangan lewatkan berlayar Sabang Freediving kompetisi 2017 yang akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 26 November - Desember 2 di Provinsi Sabang Aceh murni. Atlet dari seluruh dunia akan bergabung kompetisi ini Perdana sebagai bagian dari International berlayar Sabang, termasuk Selandia Baru freediving pemegang rekor dunia William Trubridge. Di antara banyak keberhasilan adalah menit 7.29 pada catatan statis Apnea.

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Beautiful photos! I'm sure the event will be a success!