President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) opened the National Development Planning Meeting (Musrembangnas) 2018 on Monday morning.
The event was held in the framework of preparing the Government Work Plan (RKP) 2019. But there are interesting things that Jokowi said when opening the deliberations. At the beginning of his speech, this former governor of DKI Jakarta revealed the most expensive commodity in the world today.
That becomes viral from this problem that is answer jokowi as president that is:
"Now I want to ask you: What is the most expensive commodity in the world? It must be gold, not gold, there is an interesting fact that I get from the info I read," he said in the event Musrembangnas, Jakarta, Monday (30/4/2018 ).
He revealed, scorpion poison actually has a price more expensive than gold. Because the price could reach Rp 145 billion per liter.
Jokowi said jokowi said if he wants to be rich then he can sell the poison of the scorpion "The most expensive poison of the scorpion, the price is US $ 10.5 million per liter or Rp 145 billion per liter So Pak Regent, Mr. Mayor, look for scorpion poison, "he said.
Meanwhile, the most expensive commodity in the world today, continued Jokowi, is californium 252. Californium is a chemical used in nuclear reactors or in the mining sector.
"The super expensive is californium 252. Currently it costs US $ 27 million per gram, approximately Rp 375 billion per gram, I also do not understand what kind of stuff," he said.
I was confused what exactly the purpose of jokowi. People's screams are still heard related to the anger of foreign workers in Indonesia. He should be the leader of the country thinking about it.
Here's Rocky Gerung's response:
Rocky also assessed the scorpion livestock unworthy reared by the general public. Therefore, the animal is a Scorpio zodiac icon is an animal that should live freely in nature.
"If the scorpion wants to be farmed, there is no problem, because the scorpion is not raised," said Rocky after attending a seminar organized by PKS at Aston Hotel, Jakarta, Wednesday (2/5).
"The SCORPIONS live in direct adaptation to nature, so it's not the right place for him," he added.
On that basis, Rocky suggests, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) alone that makes the scorpion farm. "It's being awaited by the President," he continued
Source : Liputan6.com

Acara tersebut digelar dalam rangka penyusunan Rencana Kerja Pemerintah (RKP) 2019. Namun ada hal menarik yang dikatakan Jokowi saat membuka musyawarah tersebut. Di awal sambutannya, Mantan Gubernur DKI Jakarta ini membeberkan komoditas yang paling mahal di dunia saat ini.
Yang menjadi viral dari persoalan ini yaitu jawaban jokowi selaku presiden yaitu :
"Sekarang saya mau tanya. Apa komoditas yang paling mahal di dunia? Pasti jawabnya emas. Bukan emas. Ada fakta menarik yang saya dapat dari info yang saya baca," ujar dia di acara Musrembangnas, Jakarta, Senin (30/4/2018).
Dia mengungkapkan, racun kalajengking justru punya harga lebih mahal ketimbang emas. Sebab harganya bisa mencapai Rp 145 miliar per liter.
Sambil bercanda Jokowi menyatakan, jika ingin kaya maka bisa jualan racun kalajengking tersebut. "Yang paling mahal racun dari kalajengking, harganya US$ 10,5 juta per liter atau Rp 145 miliar per liter. Jadi Pak Bupati, Pak Walikota, kalau mau kaya cari racun kalajengking," kata dia.
Sementara, komoditas yang paling mahal di dunia saat ini, lanjut Jokowi, adalah kalifornium 252. Kalifornium merupakan zat kimia yang digunakan dalam reaktor nuklir atau di sektor pertambangan.
"Yang super mahal itu kalifornium 252. Saat ini harganya US$ 27 juta per gram, kurang lebih Rp 375 miliar per gram. Saya juga tidak ngerti barangnya seperti apa," tutur dia.
Saya sempat bingung apa sebenarnya tujuan jokowi. Jeritan rakyat masih terdengar terkait marahknya tenaga kerja asing di Indonesia. Seharusnya beliau sebagai pemimpin negara memikirkan soal itu.
Berikut tanggapan Rocky Gerung :
Rocky juga menilai ternak kalajengking tak layak diternak oleh masyarakat umum. Sebab, hewan yang merupakan ikon zodiak Scorpio itu merupakan hewan yang seharusnya hidup bebas di alam.
"Kalau si kalajengking mau diternakkan, enggak ada soal. Masalahnya kalajengking enggak mau diternak,"kata Rocky usai menghadiri acara seminar yang diselenggarakan oleh PKS di Hotel Aston, Jakarta, Rabu (2/5).
"Kalajengking kan hidup beradaptasi langsung dengan alam. Jadi, dia enggak cocok buat diternakin," imbuhnya.
Atas dasar itu, Rocky menyarankan, Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) saja yang membuat peternakan kalajengking itu. "Diternak Presiden aja," lanjutnya.
Sumber : Liputan6.com

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