You did a great job, Sam. I watched both clips twice.
One - The music was spot on perfect again, just the right cadence to build excitement for the product/brand
Two - I loved the way you set up the juxtaposition of the light with the kerosene lamp on the fishing boat, sort of like "out with the old, in with the new." having the Fisherman turn it on at the end of the shot was brilliant as you could clearly see that bulb output was superior in every way.
Showing the cart seller using the light to conduct business at night was a smart way of letting small business owners see the utility of its use and its ability to help increase sales.
Three - I didn't miss any sound effects, I felt the product itself was a "special effect" all on its own. I'm blown away at how bright the light bulb is. Puerto Rico could use a ton of these after the Hurricane where many people still have no power.
I like what you did with the second video as well. Who knew you were the Casey Neistat of Steemit! Excellent work.
Congrats Sam, you did a great job! :)
I actually have little tears in this moment. The Casey comment got me. Obviously it's just my ego taking me for a lovely ride, but this comparison (despite my many reservations about him!) moves me deeply. Particularly because I spent two years vlogging on YouTube believing this to be my answer to financing an endless journey around the world... all the time watching his stuff and imagining what a pleasure it must be to live the way he does. Anyway.... thanks for that :)
And thanks too for being the only person to give me some feedback on the film I made yesterday. I hope the boss is as positive as you. I really want her to love it, but she it is tough lady to please!
Have sent it to her now... awaiting response ;)