Capturing the Moment: Growing Together with Indonesian Steemit Community in Taiwan (bilingual)

in #indonesia6 years ago (edited)

English Version

Dear all Blessed Steemians, today I write about my Steemit community in Taiwan. I hope you enjoy reading this. Please do correct me if you find any fault in my writing. God bless you all!

It was a really busy day or maybe I can called it hectic. It was one the biggest event held annually by Garuda Formosa Televisi (GFTV) where I have been working part time for almost two years. Event where people, especially female Indonesian workers in Taiwan, can join and show off their talent, appearance and of course, their knowledge competing to be a Miss of GFTV. So we called Miss GTFV.

As a crew who was responsible in handling all the contestants, I had to make sure that all the contestants had been arrived at the location, sit based on their registration number, and ready to perform on the stage. For that, I had to run around with handy talkie attached to me and sometimes I had to raise my voice and almost lost my temper. But, to be honest, meeting all the contestants and involving with them in such a short of time, gave me a lot of life lessons.
Most of them were migrant workers who work in factory, nursing home, or household. I have heard a lot of issues regarding to the challenges they had to face in their workplace. Some of the issues were quite disheartening. I didn't know what kind of challenges that been faced by all the contestants. One thing that I was really sure and saw it with my own eyes was all of them were excited and smiling, tried to hide their nervousness. For them, this kind of event helped them to express their talent and raise their self esteem. It was kind of short escape after working with something that only God knows how hard it was.
They were all looked so stunning and wearing all kind of wonderful dresses. I had to assist most of them to walk to and got off from the stage. I am sure, even without that makeover and dresses they would be still looked stunning.
During my busy time, I saw some of my fellow Steemians, but I didn't have time to catch up with them. I just greeted them briefly and even only waved my hand from afar. I was really glad they came because I got a chance to meet some new faces.
It was past mid day, I was getting busier and had to run around several times. I passed by one of my fellow Steemian who was busy taking pictures. She was the one who asked why I haven't posted anything since my introduction post, instead of asking my condition first when we met earlier in the morning. I stopped before her and asked her to take my picture which she responded quickly.


After taking that picture, I had to continue with my work until the show was over around five pm. My Steemit community had planned to gather at the hall of Taipei Main Station. Again, it was to promote Steemit and to share the experience, and tips and trick in Steemit. Unfortunately, I couldn't joined them as my work hasn't done yet. I just took pictures with them and waved good bye when they left.


Nevertheless, I am thankful to join them in Steemit community. The discussion in our group chat give a lot of informations about Steemit. It encourages me to write more since members of the group usually post their writing everyday. We reply, upvote and even correcting each other's post. That is what the community are for. We help each other to grow and we grow together. I am sure with unceased promotion and strong solidarity, our Steemit community, Indonesian Steemit Community chapter Taiwan will get bigger day by day. Come and join us in Steemit. Write your story. Write your history.


Bahasa Indonesia

Hari itu merupakan hari yang sangat sibuk, bahkan aku bisa menyebutnya super sibuk. Itu merupakan salah satu event terbesar yang digelar tahunan oleh Garuda Formosa Televisi di mana saya bekerja paruh waktu selama hampir dua tahun. Event di mana orang-orang, terkhusus wanita pekerja migran Indonesia di Taiwan, bisa bergabung menunjukkan bakat, penampilan, dan tentu saja pengetahuan mereka, bersaing untuk menjadi seorang Miss GFTV. Jadi kita menyebutnya Miss GFTV.

Sebagai crew yang bertugas untuk menangani semua kontestan, aku harus memastikan semua kontestan sudah hadir di lokasi, duduk di kursi berdasarkan nomor pendaftaran, dan siap untuk tampil di panggung. Untuk itu aku harus lari ke sana ke mari dengan handy talkie dikaitkan di baju dan terkadang aku harus menaikkan volume suara dan hampir kehilangan kesabaran.

Tapi, sejujurnya, bertemu dengan para kontestan dan terlibat dengan mereka dalam waktu yang singkat itu memberiku pelajaran hidup. Pada umumnya mereka adalah pekerja migran yang bekerja di pabrik, panti jompo ataupun rumah tangga. Aku telah mendengar banyak isu terkait tantangan yang mereka hadapi di tempat kerja. Sebagian isu-isu tersebut membuat kita berkecil hati. Aku tidak tau tantangan seperti apa yang telah dihadapi oleh para kontestan. Satu hal yang aku yakin pasti dan kulihat dengan mata kepalaku sendiri ialah semua mereka bersemangat dan tersenyum, mencoba menutupi kegugupan mereka. Bagi mereka event seperti ini menolong mereka untuk unjuk bakat dan meningkatkan rasa penghargaan terhadap diri sendiri ataupun rasa percaya diri. Semacam pelarian singkat setelah bekerja penuh dengan sesuatu yang hanya Tuhan yang tau seberapa keras tantangan yang harus mereka hadapi. Mereka semua terlihat menakjubkan dan memakai berbagai jenis gaun yang memesona. Aku bahkan harus membantu mereka saat naik dan turun dari panggung. Aku yakin, sekalipun tanpa make over (make up) dan gaun-gaun yang WOW itu, mereka akan tetap terlihat memesona.
Selama masa-masa sibuk itu, aku melihat beberapa teman Steemian. Sayangnya, aku tidak punya waktu untuk bergabung dan mengobrol dengan mereka. Aku hanya bisa menyapa mereka dengan singkat, bahkan hanya bisa melambaikan tangan dari jauh. Namun, saya bersyukur mereka datang karena dengan demikian saya berkesempatan bertemu dengan wajah-wajah baru.
Waktu itu kira-kira lewat tengah hari, aku semakin sibuk dan harus berlari ke sana ke mari. Aku melewati seorang teman Steemian yang sedang sibuk mengambil gambar. Dialah yang bertanya kenapa saya belum posting apapun sejak postingan perkenalan diri, bukannya nanya kabar, saat kami ketemu di pagi hari. Aku berhenti di depannya dan memintanya mengambil gambarku yang diresponnya dengan cepat.

Setelah berphoto sebentar, saya harus melanjutkan pekerjaan sampai event selesai kira-kira jam lima lewat. Komunitas Steemit kami telah berencana untuk berkumpul di Hall Taipei Main Station. Lagi, pertemuan tersebut bertujuan untuk mempromosikan Steemit, berbagi pengalaman, dan tips dan triks di Steemit. Sayangnya, aku tidak bisa bergabung dengan mereka karena pekerjaan belum selesai. Aku cuma berphoto dengan mereka lalu mengucapkan selamat jalan saat mereka pergi.

Walaupun jarang bisa berkumpul dengan mereka, aku saat bersukur bisa bergabung dengan komunitas Steemit. Pembahasan di grup memberi banyak informasi tentang Steemit. Hal itu menyemangatiku untuk menulis lebih lagi karna biasanya anggota grup rajin mengepost tulisan mereka setiap harinya. Kita me-reply, meng-upvote, bahkan mengoreksi tulisan satu sama lain. Itulah gunanya komunitas. Kita saling membantu satu sama lain untuk bertumbuh dan bertumbuh bersama. Aku yakin, dengan promosi yang tak henti-hentinya dan solidaritas yang kuat, komunitas Stemit kami, Komunitas Steemit Indonesia bagian Taiwan akan semakin besar hari lepas hari. Mari bergabunglah bersama kami di Steemit. Tuliskan ceritamu. Tuliskan sejarahmu.


Hallo Mba @bethnao.
Semoga ksi-tw tetap solid, dan makin berkembang yah
untuk kemajuan bersama😍

Amiiin, mbak @ettydialova😊

Semangat mbak @bethnao
Aku suka tulisan bahasa inggrisnya...

Hehehe, makasih, mbak😁