My Litle Angle \\ Malaikat Kecilku

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)


On Thursday morning at 9 am I drove my wife to the hospital for a weekly check-up.
From 10 am to 4 pm I followed the queue at the hospital. I came to the check-up room to see the development of my baby and my wife.
Not long after the doctor said
doctor: we must do caesar today also pack!
Me: why should caesar d d d can be born normal
Doctor: water ktuban father wife too little then we must take action as soon as possible sir ...
I :!!!!!! Oh yes, yes I agree if that is the best for my wife and children.


And finally my wife and I made a caesarean preparation.
With tension my face and my wife looked at each other and sayapun to my wife we ​​leave it all to Allah SWT.
I immediately told my family that my wife was going to caesar oprasi tonight at the hospital.
It was his wife's time to enter the operating room.


With an uneasy feeling of uneasy thoughts I read verses of scripture that I memorized ...
When I was reading the verse I heard the baby scream .....
And the nurse came out calling me when I got inside I saw my little angel ...


And I feel like a dream ...
I have become a father.
And I echoed the call to prayer and the holy verses of al-qur'an for slaludalam the protection of Allah SWT.


And this is the name of the prefix of life and travel journey is still far ahead ...


Hari kamis jam 9 pagi saya mengantar istri ke rumah sakituntuk cek up mingguan.
Dari jam 10 sampai jam 4 sore saya mengikuti antrian di rumah sakit sampainya saya ke ruang cek up langsung melihat perkembangan buah hati saya dan istri.
Tak lama dokter berkata

dokter : kita harus lakukan caesar hari ini juga pak!...
Saya : knapa harus caesar dok emang ga bisa lahir normal
Doktor : air ktuban istri bapak terlalu sedikit maka kita harus ambil tindakan secepatnya pak...
Saya :!!!!!! Oh gitu dok ya saya setuju kalau itu emang yang terbaik untu anak dan istri saya.


Dan akhirnya saya dan istei saya melakukan persiapan oprasi caesar.
Dengan tegangnya wajah saya dan istri saya saling menatap dan sayapun berkata kepada istri saya kita serahkan semua kepada allah SWT.
Saya langsung memberi tahu keluarga saya bahwa istri saya akan oprasi caesar malam ini di rumah sakit.
Tiba lah waktu nya istri saya masuk ruang operasi.


Dengqn perasaan gelisah pikiran tak tenang saya membaca ayat ayat suci yang saya hafal...
Ketika saya sedang membaca ayat saya mendengar jeritan bayi.....
Dan perawatpun keluar memanggil saya sesampainya saya di dalam saya melihat malaikat kecil saya...


On Thursday morning at 9 am I drove my wife to the hospital for a weekly check-up.
From 10 am to 4 pm I followed the queue at the hospital. I came to the check-up room to see the development of my baby and my wife.
Not long after the doctor said
doctor: we must do caesar today also pack!
Me: why should caesar d d d can be born normal
Doctor: water ktuban father wife too little then we must take action as soon as possible sir ...
I :!!!!!! Oh yes, yes I agree if that is the best for my wife and children.


And finally my wife and I made a caesarean preparation.
With tension my face and my wife looked at each other and sayapun to my wife we ​​leave it all to Allah SWT.
I immediately told my family that my wife was going to caesar oprasi tonight at the hospital.
It was his wife's time to enter the operating room.


With an uneasy feeling of uneasy thoughts I read verses of scripture that I memorized ...
When I was reading the verse I heard the baby scream .....
And the nurse came out calling me when I got inside I saw my little angel ...


And I feel like a dream ...
I have become a father.
And I echoed the call to prayer and the holy verses of al-qur'an for slaludalam the protection of Allah SWT.


And this is the name of the prefix of life and travel journey is still far ahead ...


Dan saya merasa seperti mimpi...
Saya sudah menjadi seorang ayah.
Dan saya mengumandangkan adzan dan ayat suci al-qur'an agar slaludalam lindungan allah SWT.


Dan ini lah yang di namakan awalan dari hidup dan perjalanan perjalanan masih jauh kedepan...
