The waters of NTT province have deep sea water habitat, as well as being the crossing area of 18 species of whales. Including two species of rare and charismatic whales are blue whales (Balaenoptera Musculus) and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), "Marius said, Tuesday (20/6).
The nature is very supportive. From Marius' exposure, the depth of the sea waters of NTT is very steep. This contour makes the water area very potential to become access to whale observation ". All these things will contribute to efforts to achieve the government's determination to make NTT as a province of tourism, and the desire to realize NTT as a major tourist destination in Indonesia in 2018, "he explained.
It's beautiful, I love whales. I will follow you because I love animals and your post are perfect. Good job
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