Kisah inspratif : Indahnya kasih Sayang

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

Selamat pagi sobat steemit... Pagi ini di tempatku berada sedang turun hujan, aktifitas orang-orang yang berangkat ke kantor ataupun ke sekolah harus ekstra hati-hati, jalan yang licin dan genangan air bisa saja mengenai pakaian kita yang sudah rapi dan bersih akibat tersembur oleh kendaraan yang melintas dengan kencang.
Sobat steemit kali ini sambil menunggu hujan reda saya ingin berbagi cerita kepada anda mudah-mudahan bisa menjadi renungan bagi kita semua.... Ingat!! Ambillah yang baik tinggalkan yang buruk...

Seorang guru menyuruh murid-muridnya membawa beberapa tomat dengan tas kresek ke sekolah.

Guru kemudian menyuruh murid-muridnya menempeli nama orang yg di bencinya, satu buah untuk satu nama.

Kemudian Guru menyuruh membawa tomat kemanapun ia pergi sesuai jumlah nama yg di bencinya.

Pada hari yang ditentukan semua murid membawa tomat sesuai dengan perintah gurunya.

Ada yang membawa 2, ada membawa 3, ada 4 bahkan ada yang membawa 20 biji sesuai dengan jumlah orang yang sangat dibenci dalam hidupnya.

Gurunya kemudian menyuruh setiap anak membawa tomat tersebut kemanapun mereka pergi selama seminggu.

Setelah 3 hari tomat itu mulai membusuk, perlahan lahan menimbulkan bau yang tidak sedap.

Murid murid yang membawa tomat dengan jumlah yang lebih banyak mulai mengeluh, karena merasa berat dan bau busuknya mulai menyengat.

Setelah seminggu gurunya menanyakan kepada murid-muridnya apakah yang kamu rasakan dalam seminggu ini?

Hampir semua murid mengeluh karena bau busuk dari tomat yang sudah rusak, terutama yang membawa lebih banyak tomat.

Gurunya kemudian berkata: Ini mirip dengan apa yang kamu bawa di dalam hatimu, ketika kamu membenci beberapa orang...

Membenci/rasa iri, membuat hati dan pikiran kita tidak sehat dan kalian membawa kebencian itu kemana-mana...

Jika kalian tidak tahan dengan bau busuk dari tomat selama seminggu, bayangkanlah apa yang terjadi dalam hati akibat kebencian yang kalian bawa setiap hari selama bertahun tahun.

Hati ini bagaikan taman indah yang penuh bunga yang setiap saat harus dirawat, dibersihkan dari kotoran-kotoran yang tidak diinginkan.

Maafkanlah orang yang kamu benci.

_Buatlah hati ini ruangan tempat menyimpan sesuatu yang baik-baik saja, menjalin persahabatan, dan persaudaraan._akan menjaga keindahan taman hati.

Salam Satu Jiwa Sobat Steemit

Good morning mate steemit ...this morning where I was in the rain, the activities of the people who went to the office or to the school should be extra careful, the slippery road and puddles could be about our clothes are neat and clean due to sprayed by a vehicle that passes fast .
this steemit friend while waiting for the rain to stop I want to share the story to you hopefully can be an afterthought for us all .... Remember !! Take the good leave the bad ...

A teacher told her students to bring some tomatoes with a crackle bag to school.

the teacher then instructs his students to put the name of the person he hates, one for one name.

Then Master had to bring a tomato wherever he went according to the number of names he hated.

On the appointed day all the disciples bring the tomato according to the instructions of the teacher.

some carry 2, there are carry 3, there are even 4 who carry 20 seeds in accordance with the number of people who are very hated in his life.

The teacher then tells each child to bring the tomatoes wherever they go for a week.

after 3 days the tomato begins to rot, slowly the land causes an unpleasant odor.

Students who carry tomatoes with more numbers begin to complain, because they feel the weight and bad smell began to sting.

after a week his teacher asks his students what do you feel in this week?

Almost all the students complained of the stench from the damaged tomatoes, especially those that brought more tomatoes.

the teacher then said: It is similar to what you bring in your heart, when you hate some people ...

Hate / envy, make our hearts and minds unhealthy and you bring hatred everywhere ...

if you can not stand the stinking smell of tomatoes for a week, imagine what's happening in your heart from the hatred you carry every day for years.

this heart is like a beautiful garden full of flowers that every moment should be treated, cleaned of unwanted dirt.

Forgive the people you hate.

Buatlah this room where to keep something that is fine, make friendship, and brotherhood. will keep the beauty of the heart's garden.

Greeting One Soul Steemit


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Welcome to this great community.
I hope you will have a huge success.

Thank you for your kind welcome hopefully be my motivation to succeed through this steemit.

Hola abie73! Welcome to Steemit from your favourite Astrologer!
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This is a welcome gift to Steemit! The Steemit Horoscope is elaborated based on the position of the planets and constellations, so that we interpret how your registration in Steemit will affect the areas of Health, Money, Work, Friendship, Love and luck. We hope you enjoy it and that you will tell us if you have been successful in your case or not:)

Dedicated horoscope for you

FriendsFriends: Complicated. Today will be one of those days when you need a little peace and quiet, especially after you had an argument with your partner yesterday. In fact, even today you still feel a little bit of that discomfort. Don't worry and let it go.

loveLove: Complicated. In matters of the heart, today is not characterized by any particular position of the stars: neither positive nor negative. Little news on the horizon!


healthHealth: Complicated. Lately you tend to eat a lot of junk food, and that's not good for your health. If you continue like this, it is possible that in the long run it will bring you many problems and cardiovascular diseases.

LuckyLuck: Complicated. Don't trust the person so much and avoid being so honest with people you don't really know. Today luck can lead you to discuss easily with other people.

WorkWork: Complicated. You should try to be more sympathetic to your co-workers if, when you need it, you want to get their help when you need it.

welcome on board

A BIG warm welcome to Steemit! I am sure you are going to absolutely enjoy the Steemit platform.👍 Please let me know if I can be of future help with Steemit. I truly hope Steemit exceeds all your expectations!👍

Thank you for your appreciation for me, I am not a great hope for you because I am still very much joining in steemit and I still have a lot to learn from seniors in steemit including learning to you how I can succeed

You are very welcome! I have just followed you on steemit, so we can earn Steem together. Have a great day 👍