be careful guard heart (Hati-hati jaga hati)

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)


Ever fall in love? Ever liked? Ever been amazed? or even currently in love ?. I'm sure everyone has felt it. When someone is in love. Some remain silent without ever declaring it. There is also a new admiration, but already dare say love and lead to illegal relationships, courtship !! For those of us who choose dating, not always we do not know how the law of courtship right ?. Most know and acknowledge that dating is not a good way, but yes again lust leads us to forget the truth and make justification, with the excuse: "we are dating not doing why kok ?!" Hmmm .. -_-

Meanwhile, for those of us who decide to be quiet and not easy to say love, there are strong beliefs and principles that underlie our attitude. We are not human beings who are not normal, nor coward for not dare say love. We remain silent, because we believe and believe that the love we have will be beautiful in time and the flowers of romance will bloom in its time. When? When God has brought his soul mate and united us in an official relationship, marriage. We do not want to tarnish that love, and we do not want to be wrong in loving. We who already understand the courtship is not good will try as much as possible not to fall or even plunge into him. Powerfully avoided adultery, by not folly dating culture even trying to remove it from the dictionary of our lives. Anyway, however difficult we will struggle to keep our physical no adultery through courtship. Is it right?

But sometimes there is something that we forget and it is difficult for us to do, that is keeping the heart. Keep that heart clean. Keep that heart filled only with His name. Keeping the heart calm. Keeping a heart that continues to flare up because of romance. Keeping that easy heart back and forth to remain attached to Him and istiqamah in His way. Yes, do not always feel free, safe and win let alone arrogant, ujub and feel ourselves best when we can avoid ourselves from the physical adultery of courtship, salahsatunya. Because it is not impossible that unsuccessful satan who plunged us into physical adultery will never remain silent and will continue to find other ways to trick us and make us fall. One way, maybe through this heart. Heart, where most feel has its weakest point, especially for those of us who feel a lot of women involve feelings.


Do not think that just by looking at him from afar, looking at his photo in sosmed we are not adultery. Be careful it's adultery eye! Do not think that just by talking to her with pleasure we are not committing adultery. be careful it is oral zina! Do not think that just by thinking and fantasizing about it we are not committing adultery. Be careful it is adultery heart! From Abdullah ibn Abbas that the Prophet ﷺ had said "Allah has predestined the adultery that is not impossible to be experienced by men." The eye of adultery is to see, oral adultery is speaking, adultery of the heart is wishful thinking and affection, then the genitals that will justify it or reject it, " (Bukhari). Yes, that is zina that sometimes we forget to equally avoid it. We always make justification under the pretext of "not okay" but if we are accustomed to do the three adultery and think it light, not sin, it is not impossible if slowly we will continue to do the next level of adultery, that is physical adultery by touching the opposite sex and indulging the genitals. Naudzubillah. Take care of yourself, keep faith, keep the honor and watch the heart so that we do not fall for adultery.

"Fear adultery, because in adultery there are six things (doom), three in the world and three in the afterlife. three things in the world: the loss of authority, the shortness of life, and being poor forever. the three things in the Hereafter, are, the wrath of Allah 'ugly and hellish healings of hell, "(Baihaqi). Zina is not only happening because it does not know the law, but because there is a lust of heart that continues to justify. Be careful, ok. Keep the Heart. Beware, beware !!