Capitalism relies on socialism in this case to get its bidding done. It will stop at nothing in the service of growth of capital. Including offsetting all of the costs onto the people... Through the use of government. In this case socialism. Private companies havent stopped being independant of the state no matter the states involvement in their profit machines.
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okay myklovenotwar i see we are both misunderstanding each other here
you are talking crony capitalism and yes crony capitalism needs socialism totally agree
im talking about true capitalism that wehave not had since the 60s
Private companies havent stopped being independant of the state no matter the states involvement in their profit machines. that comment right there is far far from capitalism
again look up the definition true capitalism when you make bad decisions you go bankrupt no thieving govt to take from the people to bail out banks or companies
you are referring to crony capitalism and thats like soft socialism
great debate
check out the dictionary capitalism does not get bailed out when they make bad decisions (banks corporations ect ect) by govts
thats the furthest thing from capitalism there is
they have been telling us capitalism is the problem for years and years but we dont have True capitalism we have crony capitalism socialists thieves destroying our world and our wealth and health on top of that
take care man and just look up the definiton of capitalism
what you are referring to is crony capitalism where they steal everything and only they get to use capitalism while we get stolen from with their socialism
do you see what im trying to say
im not always good at explaining myself lol
cheers and take care
Yeah we are getting lost in semantics. Nice chatting