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RE: Where You Put Your Money is Important

in #indigenous6 years ago

I'm not awake?
You see what is happening to all of Europe. The UK has been overrun, with the non-whites in London and Birmingham now the majority, with thousands of white children being raped and some killed every year, but the whites have been neutered by people like you and all they can do is pathetically bleat as they allow themselves to be driven to extinction.

You and those like you, who think that by keeping your eyes shut to the truth and expounding on how altruistic you are, are helping the enemy and at any other time, you would be placed against the wall and shot by your peers as a traitor.


The only true ennemy of the people is capitalism and the white supremacy that it is built on. Whatever you are riffing on is some seriously offensive and racist shit. No muslem person is my ennemy. And your fears will not save you from the beast that is already eating the world. And this problem is not going to go away by getting rid of a certain religious sect.