This year marks the 3rd year since ‘Indiecraft’ held a game show in the online metaverse space. As it is the 3rd time, this year’s ‘Indiecraft‘ has more games than ever before. A whopping 241 domestic developers applied for entries before the start of the event, recording the largest number of applications ever, and among them, 47 domestic and 3 community games were selected through strict and fair screening by game industry experts. That’s it.
The games submitted to match the highest number of supports in history are also very good. From ‘Mountain Butterfly’, a cyberpunk 2D action game that was known even before its release, to ‘Belaster’, a side-scrolling soul-like action game, and ‘Blackout’, a side-scrolling co-op zombie shooter. Amazingly attractive games were waiting for gamers by setting up booths in the metaverse space.
List of Domestic indie games
In addition, it is ‘Indiecraft‘, where many games were submitted. Among the domestic indie games whose quality is increasing day by day, let’s take a look at which attractive games have welcomed visitors in the metaverse space.
Several months ago I was told @ecency would activate a mute button to sponsored content that shouldn't be taking up space in my feed. Any idea where I can find it?
It is not ready yet.