
in #indiaunited2 years ago

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Meaning of yoga

The word yoga is derived from a Sanskrit word 'yuj' it means to unite or to join. Yog is the noun word which is meant by the term union. It is established on the union of individual soul with the absolute supreme divine soul. Yoga is the unification of atma to that of parmatma.

Importance of yoga

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Physical purity

The internal organs of our body can be cleared by various yogic excercises. There are three substances in our body, vaat,pitt and kaph. The proper Balance of these substances in our body keeps us healthy.

Cure and prevention from diseases

There are many diseases which harm and damage the functioning smooth of our body. Yoga protects us from them and also cures them. As yoga helps to increase the strength of our body.

Reduce mental tension

Yoga helps to reduce the tension a being is suffering from. As it is well known that people usually have anxiety and stress. Pratyahar, dharana and dhyan play a vital role for restoring our peace of mind.

Healthy body

Various yogic asanas are best to get rid of many health problems and to stay fit. It helps to make our body strong and improve flexibility.

Elements of yoga

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  1. Yama
    The Yama consists of five moral codes of conduct. they are ahimsa or non violence, satya or truthfulness, asteya or non stealing, brahmacharya and aparigraha.

  2. Niyama
    Niyamas are one's being body and senses. There are five niyamas Saucha, Santosh, tapa, swadhyaya and ishwara pranidhana.

The asana come on the third level. Asana is thr position or posture of a body. There are various type of asanas such as corrective asanas relaxative asanas and meditative asanas.

Some yoga asanas



Sukhasana is a combination of two words sukha and asana which means pleasure. It is good meditation posture. Ir improves concentration on the surroundings.


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It means standing in an upright position with arms stretch upwards. It reduces obesity. It helps in developing physical and mental balance.


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The word padma means lotus and asana means posture. It means sitting in a position without any movement with being still. Padmasana increase the focus of mind and concentration. It calms the brain. It helps to relax our body.