Female Indiana Jones!

in #indiana7 years ago (edited)

Why can't you make movies for yourself rather than mooching off of male creativity all the time? Introducing the CREATIVITY GAP here at the MOLON LABE Male Defender podcast.


Dumb, isn't it? There are plenty of stories to tell. A lot of new creatives out there just waiting for their female superhero to see the light of day, but the stupid studio execs are horrified they may lose their Beemers, houses on the hill, and expense accounts if they don't go with a known entity.

This is the next step in remakes. Instead of just remaking them, make the lead character a female and kill two birds with one stone. No, thank you.

Hey. Thanks for this one, i really like this one. Ty!

Well, she looks really nice.
Dressed up for a costume ball.

But, it is apparent that the adventuring clothes are not being used for adventure. No stain, dirt or grime. And look at those nails.

But anyway, women love to dream of this sort of thing.
Not like boys, who, after they get a whip, they try to use it to swing across chasms.

Women love the fantasy.
But very few women enjoy roughing it.
Most women can't even handle car camping.

But, what is it they love? I think they want to be SEEN as the strong heroic woman. And it is all about being seen.

Many women couldn't swing across a chasm on a whip. Even if the whip was firmly affixed and there was a safety net. They don't have the strength to hold on or hold up their body weight.

So, i guess what they want is the fantasy.

So, what do boys want? I guess we need a new word.
Boys want the whip and the chasm.