Indian Media! It's better if the war goes on

in #indian6 years ago

(Nasir khan, karachi)

A Kashmiri youth, Adil Dar, attacked a convoy of Indian military trucks in Palma, resulting in the killing of twenty-four Indian soldiers. This was the biggest attack on the Indian army in Kashmir in the past several decades, the highest loss and It was not unexpected as it was because the reaction of the eight lakhs sitting in Kashmir, which was being attacked in Kashmir, would have to be like this, so it is not so much to understand that attack of India so seriously. This estimate is that all the vowels were asked to ensure the success of their play so that the world Not surprisingly, Pakistan can also come into action in its presence of 8 lakh army, so it is pride and a well-equipped army and Pakistan have a peace from India, but its propaganda It is not for this purpose, but he did this to defame Pakistan in the world His hair was overwhelming and what he did in the world became a part of the history of India, which would keep embarrassing the period for the period and it would keep it intriguing that his intellect and Terrorist Prime Minister used his country's soldiers to win the election and made it possible for a regular war to break. India's army and military behavior on this occasion was extremely irresponsible and aggressive, its media, which used to negatively and ignorantly behaviors, played an important role in the defamation of India. Indian media programs were not less than any battlefield. Anchor and guest here themselves kept lingering and praying with each other words, if a guest could not stop speaking their truth from speaking, Anchors ordered them to get out of the studio. One of India's channels trying to become a big girl, was part of a plane crashing While trying to prove that it is a part of the F 16 plane which has not only rejected the guests, but as a part of the Indian Air Force MIG-21, it has no information about the guest program of this live program. Like when a reporter on Line of Control heard the situation with an old villain after hearing the Pakistani tragedy "tragic narrative" for decades, he clearly said that two days have not been fired by Pakistan. But since then, they are engaged in the fact that the Muslim reporter dismissed himself by saving his job and his own sustenance. These are just a few examples that come in view of the Pakistani media or through us through social media, or many other events such as Puerto Amiaia, have been screaming, which will have opened the lie of India's lie. This time, even internationally, the indigenous Indian media was also felt and target Also criticized. The Indian media's attitude is never appropriate, as it is the responsibility of "Rai" to fight in the region, and therefore, its attitude and the first point of view is to spread hatred, whether it is the Indian The intriguing house is to burn fire, it is not only sympathy with the family and his family, nor with the families of any Kailidip nor any other Rajput, it only needs only war or whether or not the crop of orphan and widows grow in the country And since the person like Modi sitting on the throne of India, then there has been a sharp increase in extremism, not within India. It's not out of the safe tactics. India's media in Kashmir has a deep flow of blindness and blindness in its army and government. It does not seem to be a violation of human rights, but when there are people who rise up against these oppression, they are called terrorists. And and Due to his small action, full Kashmir is halted and Indian media keeps continuous oil over the fired fire, and that was the result of the plaudama, a non-responsive media unfair and unreasonable attitude emerged. On the other hand, Pakistan's media has seen a very silly and humble manner with complete reporting and continuous message of peace, he reported and completed, but did not try to lift war fever in the country and The matter was noted in the whole world and was praised by the performance of Pak Army and the Pakistani government It is noteworthy that the way the terrorist trained soldiers from the army to the general and the army, as well as its media, to play an extremely important role by enduring the hardness and heat of this furnace. It was worth proof that it was the current Pak India, but played a very positive role in serious conflicts Given, not only is the situation controlled, but there is no fear in the country. The nation's morale was high and created fever without war, kept the passionate love of the people alive and encouraged the nation to seek peace, but this desire is not our weakness, and if the war is overwhelmed, then the nation should be convinced that Our forces can respond to any aggression of the enemy and answer everything with reality analysis, as well as our army proved our ability and told the world what the difference between standards and numbers is also Three hundred yoga can be heavy on today even today and this happened, but our media still responsible