Here! Here!
I do enjoy a good, transparent rant =)
This is exactly why I am sorta rooting for Modi. He did them more damage than I ever will with my pointless angry words. The sooner their citadels of skulls and their mountains of dead men's bones are brought crashing down, the sooner we might replace it with voluntary interdependence and an egalitarian post-market economy; a society built on recognizing each the other's free will and self determination.
Technology bursts at the seams with industry that can perch on our desktops; with godlike AI that can whisper eldritch and elusive truths in our straining ears, that we might work together in peace and harmony, to conquer, not one another, not even the world, but the stars and all beyond.
Thank you for cheering me up!
You boil it down nicely. Chop, chop to the point - root for the most brazen, repugnant elites as they trip over themselves, pulling all their associated down with them.
I will not go to negativetown, WE DO have better days ahead! To the stars :)