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RE: Indian State Bank Busted in $2 Billion Fraud

in #india7 years ago

"Just ask Jimmy Savile."

Ouf! Maybe he will soon, in hell. OTOH, it is hard to deride someone that has done so much to reveal the insanity of trusting banks, and struck a potentially mortal blow to one that has been so harshly demeaning and crushing the the Indian people.

As bad as ordinary hacking and phishing attacks are, consider how much more devastating they will be when biometric data is part of the proceeds of such attacks. When the hackers have your retinal scans, fingerprints, and DNA, how do you recover your identity?

The decashification of India is intended to be a model for the rest of the world, as cash is too easy to hide from digital snoops intent on securing their cut of your labors, and this ramming of the duplicity of Indian banks into the public eye may be the best thing that ever happened to hapless Indian people being herded into economic corrals for the benefit of their parasitic overlords.
