A lot of BTC supply hasn't moved for years.
abt 1/3 of coins & their respective owners didn't move their coins during the 2015-17 run.
A very strong resolve by HODLERS and/or lost keys!
In Hindi
कई बीटीसी आपूर्ति वर्षों से नहीं चली गई है।
1/3 सिक्कों और उनके संबंधित मालिकों ने 2015-17 के दौरान अपने सिक्कों को स्थानांतरित नहीं किया।
होडलर्स और / या खोए गए कुंजियों द्वारा एक बहुत ही मजबूत संकल्प!
Thank you
the whole universe is divided into 95-96% dark matter/energy and about 4-5% something else
of that only half is actually proven to exist so
you expect "society" to act otherwise ?
? has never been found
Thanks for your valuable comment.....