I am an Indian and like every citizen from almost every country, I am proud to say it!!
We are practically everywhere, right from the worlds top most scientists to the best players in almost every sports. However, we are still aren’t moving forward.
The reason which I see is politics in everything. Some of us play dirty in everything right from religion to government.
I still remember a comment made by the Laywer of one of the rapists in nirbhaya case. He said - “girls in our country are like flowers. When kept inside a mandir with closed doors, they are worshipped. But when thrown into gutter, it stinks”.
Seriously. Is this a comment made in the 21st century.
We are changing, our country is progressing however, we need to change the mindset of this group who are not ready to move into the future but pull us back.
I would like to hear your thoughts as well. Please do comment if you feel like!!
good post
yes bro we r changing
I also be ..
I feel you bro. It's a pretty sad to see this all happen. There are heaps of problems at the grass root level, but the most important of them all is the moral education at the primary and school level and of course lack of schooling itself.
This lawyer making that comment, is not just the mindset of that lawyer, but probably a BIG reflection of life experiences he had and the things he learnt while growing up with his parent, grandparents, neighborhood and school.
We need to work upon the whole society so that the life experiences the kids have are not the same as that lawyer.