Menabung untuk membantu sesama, Let's save to help the needy..

in #indah7 years ago (edited)


Come on let our steemian friends save to share

Hanya mencukupi untuk beli seekor kambing, just enough to buy a goat..10353357_1444374462491813_3787044494879231126_o.jpg

lalu kita potong, then we cut it..10469138_1443979642531295_4665854491874225947_o.jpg

dengan pisau yang tajam mendapat kan hasil yang sempurna, with a sharp knife got it right..10386895_1443979779197948_1727447283899216356_o.jpg
daging langsung di masak,
the meat is almost ready to be divided..IMG_20180222_131416.jpg

Kemudian--------ready to be shared to all children1398135_531470873607723_544779545_o.jpg


Waww keren...
Sangat luar biasa.. :)