Skin in the Game 摘录

in #incerto6 years ago
我读不出英文写作风格好坏,但读清楚它们的意思是能够的。塔勒布作品有浓烈的个人特色,比如类似格言的表达。以下是我从他的书 Skin in the Game 中做的摘录。判断自己是否真的喜欢一本书,就看自己是否会重读它。
这本书全称是 SkIN IN THE GAME, Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life,出版于 20184 月,现已有中译本《非对称风险》。

Don’t tell me what you “think”, just tell me what’s in your portfolio.


the contact with the real world is done via skin in the game—having an exposure to the real world, and paying a price for its consequences, good or bad. The abrasions of your skin guide your learning and discovery, a mechanism of organic signaling, what the Greeks called pathemata mathemata (“guide your learning through pain,” something mothers of young children know rather well).

通过游戏里的皮肤和现实实际联系的方法——把自己暴露在现实世界中,并为此付出代价,无论好坏。你皮肤的擦伤帮助你学习、发现有机信号的机理,那正是希腊人说的“痛苦原理(pathemata mathemata)”(指导你从痛苦中学习,小孩子的妈妈很了解)

pathemata:希腊文有两个不同的字表示患难或苦难,一个是身体的受苦与情感的痛苦,原文为 PATHEMATA,另一个是精神或说理智的痛苦,原文该字为 THLIPSIS,这字原意为“狭窄”、“压迫”。

The knowledge we get by tinkering, via trial and error, experience, and the workings of time, in other words, contact with the earth, is vastly superior to that obtained through reasoning, something self-serving institutions have been very busy hiding from us.


  1. they think in statics not dynamics, 2) they think in low, not high, dimensions, 3) they think in terms of actions, never interactions.


societies were run by risk takers, not risk transferors.


less than a third of Roman emperors died in their beds—and one can argue that given that only few of these died of really old age, had they lived longer, they would have fallen either to a coup or in battle.


Bureaucracy is a construction by which a person is conveniently separated from the consequences of his or her actions.


Decentralization is based on the simple notion that it is easier to macrobull***t than microbull***t. Decentralization reduces large structural asymmetries


You will never fully convince someone that he is wrong; only reality can.


The curse of modernity is that we are increasingly populated by a class of people who are better at explaining than understanding, or better at explaining than doing.


The more they believe in their ability to forecast, the more they hate skin in the game. The more they wear suits and ties, the more they hate skin in the game.


Systems learn by removing parts, via negativa.


Via negativa: the principle that we know what is wrong with more clarity than what is right, and that knowledge grows by subtraction. Also, it is easier to know that something is wrong than to find the fix. Actions that remove are more robust than those that add because addition may have unseen, complicated feedback loops.


The code has one central theme: it establishes symmetries between people in a transaction, so nobody can transfer hidden tail risk, or Bob Rubin–style risks.

汉谟拉比法典的主题:在交易中,建立人与人之间的对称性,因此没有人可以转移隐藏的尾部风险或 从用 Bob Rubin 风格。

What is a tail? Take for now that it is an extreme event of low frequency.


Hammurabi’s best known injunction is as follows: “If a builder builds a house and the house collapses and causes the death of the owner of the house—the builder shall be put to death.”


Deal with weaker states as you think it appropriate for stronger states to deal with you.


Universal behavior is great on paper, disastrous in practice.


Start by being nice to every person you meet. But if someone tries to exercise power over you, exercise power over him.


Avoid taking advice from someone who gives advice for a living, unless there is a penalty for their advice.


There is always an element of fools of randomness and crooks of randomness in matters of uncertainty; one has a lack of understanding, the second has warped incentives. One, the fool, takes risks he doesn’t understand, mistaking his own past luck for skills, the other, the crook, transfers risks to others. Economists, when they talk about skin in the game, are only concerned with the second.


disincentive is not enough: the fool is a real thing. Some people do not know their own interest—just consider addicts, workaholics, people trapped in a bad relationship, people who support large government, the press, book reviewers, or respectable bureaucrats, all of whom for some mysterious reason act against their own interest. So there is this other instance where filtering plays a role: fools of randomness are purged by reality so they stop harming others.


You do not want to win an argument. You want to win.


Forecasting (in words) bears no relation to speculation (in deeds).


what has survived has revealed its robustness to Black Swan events and removing skin in the game disrupts such selection mechanisms. Without skin in the game, we fail to get the Intelligence of Time (a manifestation of the Lindy effect, which will get an entire chapter, and by which 1) time removes the fragile and keeps the robust, and 2) the life expectancy of the nonfragile lengthens with time).


What is rational is what allows the collective—entities meant to live for a long time—to survive.


Intellectualism has a sibling: scientism, a naive interpretation of science as complication rather than science as a process and a skeptical enterprise.


Those who talk should do and only those who do should talk.


If you do not take risks for your opinion, you are nothing.


I will keep mentioning that I have no other definition of success than leading an honorable life.


there are activities in which one is imbued with a sense of pride and honor without grand-scale sacrifice: artisanal ones.


Having an assistant (except for the strictly necessary) removes your soul from the game.


Nor can book reviewers—by the very definition of their function—judge books that one rereads. For those familiar with the idea of nonlinear effects from Antifragile, learning is rooted in repetition and convexity, meaning that the reading of a single text twice is more profitable than reading two different things once, provided of course that said text has some depth of content.


Beware of the person who gives advice, telling you that a certain action on your part is “good for you” while it is also good for him, while the harm to you doesn’t directly affect him.


As a trader, you learn to identify and deal with upright people, those who inform you that they have something to sell, by explaining that the transaction arises for their own benefit, with such questions as “Do you have an ax?” (meaning an inquiry whether you have a certain interest). Avoid at all costs those who call you to tout a certain product disguised with advice. In fact the story of the turtle is the archetype of the history of transactions between mortals.


As the Romans were fully aware, one lauds merrily the merchandise to get rid of it.


The ethical is always more robust than the legal. Over time, it is the legal that should converge to the ethical, never the reverse.


No person in a transaction should have certainty about the outcome while the other one has uncertainty.


Sympathy for all would be tyranny for thee, my good neighbor.


The skin-in-the-game definition of a commons: a space in which you are treated by others the way you treat them, where everyone exercises the Silver Rule.


I am, at the Fed level, libertarian; at the state level, Republican; at the local level, Democrat; and at the family and friends level, a socialist.

在美联储一级,我是自由主义者; 在州一级,是共和党人; 在地方一级,是民主党人; 在家庭和朋友层面,是社会主义者。

A doctor is pushed by the system to transfer risk from himself to you, and from the present into the future, or from the immediate future into a more distant future.


an optical illusion comes with the dominance of the minority: a naive observer (who looks at the standard average) would be under the impression that the choices and preferences are those of the majority.


Someone with a peanut allergy will not eat products that touch peanuts, but a person without such an allergy can eat items with peanut traces in them.


An honest person will never commit criminal acts, but a criminal will readily engage in legal acts.


If a meeting is taking place in Germany in the Teutonic-looking conference room of a corporation that is sufficiently international or European, and one of the persons in the room doesn’t speak German, the entire meeting will be run in English, the brand of inelegant English used in corporations across the world.


Genes follow majority rule; languages minority rule.Languages travel; genes less so.


most persons are passive and don’t really care, or don’t care enough to request the banning.

大部分人是被动的,他们不关心,或者不足够关心禁令的需求 。

the asymmetry between obeying and breaking rules: a law-abiding (or rule-abiding) fellow always follows the rules, but a felon or someone with looser sets of principles will not always break the rules.


Outcomes are paradoxically more stable under the minority rule—the variance of the results is lower and the rule is more likely to emerge independently across separate populations.

在少数人的统治下,结果更加稳定 - 结果的差异较小,规则更有可能在不同的人群中独立出现。

What emerges from the minority rule is more likely to be black-and-white, binary rules.


The market is like a large movie theater with a small door.

市场是一个有着小门的大电影院 “the best way to detect a sucker is to see if his focus is on the size of the theater rather than that of the door.”

ntifragile has been about the failure of the average to represent anything in the presence of nonlinearities and asymmetries similar to the minority rule.


The average behavior of the market participant will not allow us to understand the general behavior of the market.


You can examine markets as markets and individuals as individuals, but markets are not sums of average individuals (a sum is an average multiplied by a constant so they are both equally affected).


The psychological experiments on individuals showing “biases” do not allow us to automatically understand aggregates or collective behavior, nor do they enlighten us about the behavior of groups.


Understanding how the subparts of the brain (say, neurons) work will never allow us to understand how the brain works.


Understanding the genetic makeup of a unit will never allow us to understand the behavior of the unit itself.


It may be that be that some idiosyncratic behavior on the part of the individual (deemed at first glance “irrational”) may be necessary for efficient functioning at the collective level.


What matters isn’t what a person has or doesn’t have; it is what he or she is afraid of losing.


The Intellectual Yet Idiot (IYI) is a product of modernity.


True equality is equality in probability.and Skin in the game prevents systems from rotting.


Static inequality is a snapshot view of inequality; it does not reflect what will happen to you in the course of your life.

静态不平等是不平等的快照; 它并不能反映出你生命中会发生什么。

The way to make society more equal is by forcing (through skin in the game) the rich to be subjected to the risk of exiting from the 1 percent.

让社会更加平等的方法是通过强迫(通过游戏里的皮肤,风险共担)富人从 1% 的冒险活动中退出。

Dynamic equality is what restores ergodicity, making time and ensemble probabilities substitutable.


That which is fragile has an asymmetric response to volatility and other stressors, that is, will experience more harm than benefit from it.


Effectively Lindy answers the age-old meta-questions: Who will judge the expert? Who will guard the guard? (Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?) Who will judge the judges? Well, survival will.


That which is “Lindy” is what ages in reverse, i.e., its life expectancy lengthens with time, conditional on survival.


Only the nonperishable can be Lindy. When it comes to ideas, books, technologies, procedures, institutions, and political systems under Lindy, there is no intrinsic aging and perishability. A physical copy of War and Peace can age (particularly when the publisher cuts corners to save twenty cents on paper for a fifty-dollar book); the book itself as an idea doesn’t.


Alfonso X of Spain, nicknamed El Sabio, “the wise,” had as a maxim: Burn old logs. Drink old wine. Read old books. Keep old friends.

西班牙的 Alfonso X,绰号 El Sabio,“聪明人”,有一个格言:烧旧日志。喝老酒。读旧书。留老友。

You can define a free person precisely as someone whose fate is not centrally or directly dependent on peer assessment.


And as an essayist, I am not judged by other writers, book editors, and book reviewers, but by readers.


Being reviewed or assessed by others matters if and only if one is subjected to the judgment of future—not just present—others.


a free person does not need to win arguments—just win.


题图来源:Skin in the Game 封面



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