3 months ago, when i was a minnow with 0.5Steem to my name, I spoke up to @berniesanders with 1.2Million Steem and i stood for what i believe in, and I saw a well argued opinion of a dust sway the tide of a large whale during a big flag campaign against Steemit #funny, the final outcome made me belief and convince me to invest my resources and my time to research what else we can achieve as a community, and within the Steem blockchain into the future
you are on a platform where your voice can be heard, or your dogma, or your fears, or you limitless imaginations
it is your choice, so speak up with decency, with logic, with tempered ego, and speak with grace and wit and intelligence and with effort (eg. research) so you can be heard....and give people the freedom to decide for themselves
thank you for sharing your concern....I was where you are mentally when I was still at low rep 40, I thought too that there was a class, now I realize I became my own limit, I set my own prison and I classified myself
we are not all equal contributors, but we all have more equal opportunities here than anywhere else if only we use our imagination
Truly There Is Not Limit To The Human Imagination
source: inspirationalhunter

Well said! I also got caught in a bernie attack, but completely survived it and have growing faith in this platform. It is what we make of it and I personally am going to help make this platform great!

Awesome comment, you deserve an up vote.
Yeah, I wasn't talking about the flagging bullshit, and I wasn't talking about people who can communicate effectively. There are people who were literally never afforded a basic education on this earth, and they're pretty screwed.
Perhaps you're under estimating the will of others, their ingenuity, and persistence.
When I was 17, my English was so broken, I could hardly put a sentence together, but I found a way, and many others will do so as well.
If these people found a way into the Steem blockchain, they will find a way to succeed. They can probably dance better than you or me, or play a song better than most, or have a great eye for art, or photography, or a thousand other things you and I have not even thought off.
Do not discount the human spirit, that would be a grievous error only due to a lack of life experiences, but not because of ignorance nor arrogance.