Hi Andreas,
Been a long time reader of your work as well as follower of your you-tube channel, and have reflected on many of your messages, and I can't think of a better place for your voice to be heard than here on the people's blockchain.
It doesn't matter if people upvote you in appreciation, what matters is that a whole new generation of new crypto adopters, non-fiat-investor, but soulful-creative-dedicated-investors, millions of them from 3rd world countries are getting or will soon get exposure to crypto via Steem and they need to hear the voice of a technologist like yourself as they foray into this realm.
Also, it's pretty cool if your message gets recorded for internet eternity on a blockchain, every written word, audio, or video timestamp for longevity and just having you here will raise everyone understanding and belief that this technology will revolutionize the economics of humanity to a level we have never been before.
I hope you will consider this and post here again soon.
Following you now @aantonop
Highest Regards,
Agreed. It would be great to have Andreas out here as a full time contributor!
why is there only
64/491/ 629 replies to @aantonop?We need 1000s replies to Andreas, we need real stories of how their life has change since finding Steemit.
We need everyone who ever got an upvote from @surpassinggoogle, or @ausbitbank, or @kevinwong, or @teemsteem, or @stellabelle ....every person/Steemian not from a 1st world country need to tell their story here, so Andreas can see that this is the blockchain of the people, and not just a fancy shit-coin.
updated again!
I am from Australia. So not really what you're looking for but to start the conversation.
Steem has managed to give me confidence to pursue a dream rather than just working a dead end job.
100% upvoted your encouragement reply to Andreas below, it takes heart to believe that everyone can help anyone else here, we are truly a community more equal than any others
My voice is added now. I have shared the video i made of naming Andreas as my #1 most wanted Steemit joiner.
100% upvoted your Andreas reply vid @steveandstellas, really thought that speaks to the heart of us Steemians
Let's not kid ourselves here, there's an underclass on the platform that we don't treat all that nicely.
3 months ago, when i was a minnow with 0.5Steem to my name, I spoke up to @berniesanders with 1.2Million Steem and i stood for what i believe in, and I saw a well argued opinion of a dust sway the tide of a large whale during a big flag campaign against Steemit #funny, the final outcome made me belief and convince me to invest my resources and my time to research what else we can achieve as a community, and within the Steem blockchain into the future
you are on a platform where your voice can be heard, or your dogma, or your fears, or you limitless imaginations
it is your choice, so speak up with decency, with logic, with tempered ego, and speak with grace and wit and intelligence and with effort (eg. research) so you can be heard....and give people the freedom to decide for themselves
thank you for sharing your concern....I was where you are mentally when I was still at low rep 40, I thought too that there was a class, now I realize I became my own limit, I set my own prison and I classified myself
we are not all equal contributors, but we all have more equal opportunities here than anywhere else if only we use our imagination
Truly There Is Not Limit To The Human Imagination
source: inspirationalhunter
Well said! I also got caught in a bernie attack, but completely survived it and have growing faith in this platform. It is what we make of it and I personally am going to help make this platform great!

Awesome comment, you deserve an up vote.
Yeah, I wasn't talking about the flagging bullshit, and I wasn't talking about people who can communicate effectively. There are people who were literally never afforded a basic education on this earth, and they're pretty screwed.
Perhaps you're under estimating the will of others, their ingenuity, and persistence.
When I was 17, my English was so broken, I could hardly put a sentence together, but I found a way, and many others will do so as well.
If these people found a way into the Steem blockchain, they will find a way to succeed. They can probably dance better than you or me, or play a song better than most, or have a great eye for art, or photography, or a thousand other things you and I have not even thought off.
Do not discount the human spirit, that would be a grievous error only due to a lack of life experiences, but not because of ignorance nor arrogance.
I feel like I'm part of that underclass...
you have only 16 days here, if you persist you will find your niche & get the recognition that comes with, expect no continuous free lunches here on the Steem blockchain
Some tips:
connect with likeminded Steemians, eg.is your interest sports? Go follow some sports fans who are rep 35-55, those above 60 will have less time 4 u & probably found their community already - Go upvote & strike up a conversation with this guy @foles09, he looks like you 3figures Steem & active 2 weeks & just sport posted, met him in funny
be a giver not a whiner, nobody likes a negga, be real, be your bestest best self, seek to continuously experiment & improve, Steem can be drastically life changing if you let it be (for the better of yourself and for all others too)
Before I give my 3rd tip, please know I highly applaud you for the ton of postings you have done everyday, a slacko like myself can in no way compete with you. BUT, you really need Togo quality over quantity, 1 deep thoughtful or hilarious post getting you 5-10 solid revisiting non-flake followers beats 20 meaningless post anyday.
upvote like hell, when my SP is below 300 I pushed my upvote button like a cocaine addict with his needle. Example, I just gave you 30mins of my life, if you don't upvote (am not asking you to), you will look like a dick to the community watching how you interact. Some things like this original reply thread, suppose am the OR (which I am) if you even remotely agree, upvote, show respect don't just bandwagon like all the foolswho do (trust me I probably am the biggest fool here or ever was, but I am slowly learning). The point is USE the power of yours $0.03 upvote until you're like 30% VP and dishing out $0.003, amounts when low SO matters not, it's the principle & recognition that counts.
Upvote Talks Bullshit Walks
TM ;)Steem mirrors real life, we have to network, have to be a giver, have to lead so others might follow us, just look at me: zero post, >700 authentic followers including a number of dolphins&orcas, rep 55, but also see the thousands of comments I haven given to encourage other Steemians.
Remember: no free lunches, show your commitment to connect first, be a Giver and a Leader & Upvote Generously, Respectfully, and Strategically, & Steem on with Quality first.
Your 30 minutes is much appreciated, and I do see where you're coming from.
Am doing this on my phone w only 3line window to edit, full of typo & spellos, hope you still greatly benefit :D
There is a hierarchy, it has been proven time and time again that humans require a hierarchy to have a symbiotic community. There is a financial aspect to steemit (you can purchase bots etc even if it's frowned upon) but in my opinion compared to other social media platforms, steemit is much more equal opportunity based.
yeah personally i started off aspiring to have lots of clueless adoring fans (for I would not know why anyone would want to follow me) making me the biggest Steem pimp ever just kidding
however i only seem to be attracting the crazies like myself who enjoys witty banter, animal photography, cool straight-six beemers, engaging communIty of upvote trigger happy international travellers, mostly well read but can't shake their peculiar sense of humour....and their cute pups
This message needs to be seen. Get people to focus on the positives not the negative aspects of steem. Upvote coming your way to get you to the top.
For some stupid reason @zer0hedge flagged you to remove the assisted upvote I gave you. So I gave you a few more
fyi @idikuci @Zer0hedge is just stealing articles from zerohedge without permission steemcleaners have already flagged several of their posts.
Figures he's a dick everywhere.
I don't think @transisto is a dick, he has many contributions to Steem and he was one of the Steemian I first followed & uvoted, I still upvoted him, see above.
He may have his reasons or maybe those reasons are no longer valid now, only he knows. I am sincerely grateful for your generosity and I am sorry another Steemian trivialise your appreciation.
I appreciate it and I consider your $7 upvote that he wrongly flagged received in Steem spirit. Thank you @idikuci
Easy enough to build an alter ego that is a dick. Respect runs both ways it is not a requirement that only us small people have to respect the big people because a whale may get angry. I provided you an upvote which I paid for and left a comment explaining why I did it. His decision to flag the comment the exact amount I paid for is big fuck you to the efforts I put in to earn the SBD required to pay for the upvote. Not only that he used the same bots to upvote this post, so we know he's not against using bots.
Flagging a comment to remove a upvote without leaving a comment to explain why is acting like a dick. He acted like a dick, I called him a dick. He wants respect, then respect the money I paid to give you an upvote and explain why he thinks it needs to be removed.
agreed, under those terms described you and I probably at times a dick as well, i suppose I should say he is not a completely a dick all the time
I sympathise and I agree when's wrongly flagging with not even a tiff or reason exist, then it's akin to out right thief
you make a point, I honestly been searching for his reason and can't say it's obvious
perhaps a mishap? for the record I support @transisto's reply above and even more so I support @lukestokes reply even more! Heck I witnessed voted for luke, anyone can see I stand by what I support
for the puzzle that it is, don't know why he flag, it should be explained or removed so Andreas and more important the community can see we are evolving for the better
just my humble $0.02 SBD worth of thoughts, but what do i know
I upvoted their comments too.
When I act like a dick, which is often, people are welcome to call me a dick.
also know that @zer0hedge is @transisto & is @newsflash, he controls 800K Steem power and is not to be trifled with
show respect but also understand he is also human and have his justifications just like you and me have ours
I have always respected even admired @transistor for challenging abusers and helping the community define what is acceptable and what is not, and we need people who cross the line and then step back in this new social community
I hope he will remove the flag since it's truly unwarranted in this case, just like he was using his funds to upvote Andreas a reader was using theirs to upvote my message to encourage the masses, but we can only ask.
thank you for your feedback @safetony
thank you for your generosity, you didn't have to give so much, your comments and your story is already making a difference, for that I salute you my fellow Steemian
You got a 19.97% upvote from @minnowvotes courtesy of @idikuci!
You got a 14.16% upvote from @redlambo courtesy of @idikuci!
You got a 12.82% upvote from @upyou courtesy of @idikuci!
You got a 0.72% upvote from @allaz courtesy of @idikuci!
This post has received a 3.11 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @idikuci
wow! I have benefited greatly from reading your writing .U like A light