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RE: The TRUTH About Juan Guaido in Venezuela

in #imperialism6 years ago

I am Venezuelan, I live the day to day of what we are going through and I tell you with all property that you are totally wrong with what you say.
I have to correct you in many things, starting with that Guaidó did not proclaim himself. I invite you to read the constitution of our republic, specifically articles 233 and 350 and you will know that the open councils are totally legal in our country. In addition in 1810 open chapters are made to ask the people whether or not they want someone's mandate.
Continuing with the clarifications, he is the president of the AN so he can assume the interim presidency of the republic if there is absence or illegitimate elections in the country.
On the other hand I invite you to investigate more about the political parties of Venezuela before criticizing and making judgments without meaning. We as a republic JAMAS have had right-wing political parties NEVER.
Learn about the political ideologies of each party. Juan Guaidó belongs to Voluntar Popular that is a progressive center-left party.
The simple fact that we oppose Maduro's socialism does not mean that we are rightist.


ahhhh I forgot to also clarify that absolutely everyone has an interest in our oil and if the US needs it to free us from this cancer that has us immersed in poverty without food and without medicines we will allow it since RUSSIA AND CHINA have more of a decade illegally exploiting our resources.
And the cherry on the cake is CUBA to which they have given EVERYTHING, they have not paid a penny of oil, gasoline and resources.
So do not come to me with accusations out of place that we are the ones who suffer this crap of government.

And since you love doing reports about Venezuela, I hope you also do about the deplorable conditions in which our hospitals are located, where patients die every day because there is not even a syringe.
I entered emergency recently and they had to put a blood stream to me because it was the only thing we got.
Understand that not all the left is good, you must be objective with the news and not be blinded by ideologies.

@merryslamb, You mentioned you are from Venezuela? You would be the person to get the infomation right. Many of us only see what the wealthiest people here want us to see. I tend to look further into articles before commenting (sometimes I get that wrong also) unless it is something I have an "In depth" knowledge of or I get really upset.
I am not real familiar with current day Venezuela so I tended to try keeping my comments about mine. I am not a fan of pres. drumpf (trump) as he has taken and will take again, money from very wealthy people here to invade your country on "pretext" of saving you. From what I remember most of your citizens are strong enough to not need saving. Before I forget, I enjoyed reading your comments 2 times so far.
Our news that is reported is only what the wealthiest owners want us to see, it usually isn't even close to the truth.
Many thanks and I hope to see more of your posts here.

you have a very big conflict between right and left but in Venezuela we have only known the left and the left center as governments, so it makes me laugh to read that those who are against Maduro are extreme right and that does NOT EXIST HERE . Only with being a Third World country that is falling apart will you realize that the right could not exist.
Now, we have 20 years trying to get these communists out of power, they have killed us in peaceful marches, they have imprisoned us, we have been tortured in military jails, they have stolen our elections. And we ourselves as a people have no alternative but we have a foreign intervention.
It would seem strange to you that it is the same people who cry out in despair for this to happen, but imagine all the bad things that they have done to us that we only want them to finish with the dictator.

Our day to day is terrible, our salary is $ 4 per month and that is not enough for anything. Here eating is a luxury, many families only eat with luck once a day and the index for malnutrition is increasingly high and this has led to children stop attending school because they do not even have to buy a notebook or much less to eat.
The medicines are extremely scarce and those that are obtained can not be paid for.
Currently I suffer from several pathologies and I can not buy pills for headaches because they are very expensive.
I do not belong to the empire, I am not from the right, I am not rich, I am a Venezuelan who suffers absolutely all the calamities of a bad government from Chavez to Maduro.

It is truly sad when a Government wants to only benefit the wealthy. It is worse than a sin to only pay those who do not need the pay and provide for only the one's that have the most.
All around the world there are situations like this and everyone says "Why don't they just vote out the one's creating the problems" but they have no way of finding that they can't be "voted out". Here, up North, we have a congress that has mostly been in position for 30 years and all they are doing is enriching themselves.
I laugh when I hear "It's the wealthiest Country in the World" and there are over a million children who go to bed at night without food and over (I think) 3 million people are homeless. There is a very big difference between "world perception" and the reality of actual events.