It's about time for Trump to be impeached

in #impeachtrump7 years ago

Just a thought.

Impeach Trump and pray for a change in his heart. This country already has enough problems. But when.. Yes, when it happens, we can all get back to rebuilding and form some sense of togetherness instead of divisiveness throughout the US and the world. I know this might not be popular with some but as history has shown, protest and change in this country have been met with strong opposition, then praised as a defining moment in progression and positive change, even though in some instances many years later. I rarely engage in any political arguments or discussions but it's getting to the point where I felt the need to voice my opinion. So, I urge you to ask yourself. What side are you on? What can you do to help this change? I write this to challenge everyone to start a conscience effort and think about what is important in your life and your families lives. Are we just drones who go along with whatever has been brainwashed/ ingrained in our minds over the years? Or are we individual rational empathetic caring people who want to help others? If anyone has any positive ideas about this or groups who may be able to propel this effort please pass it on and let me know. I hope this brief post (which could be much more elaborated on) speaks to everyone's heart and helps to create the opportunity for conversation and change.


I love your blog it's nice... But are you seeing this from your own perspective or you are are moved by the majority?..... Also Pls check my post

I am a person who had the privilege to grow up in a very diverse place and am blessed with 3 boys with different ethnicities. So, to your question I would say it is a mixed perception of right and wrong, love and hate type of deal. Also to see the type of brazen disrespect from who is supposedly the leader of our country really hurts and at the same time shows that our country as a whole needs prayer and change.

Ohk.. I get your point

what high crimes or misdemeanors has he compared to...oh...Obama maybe?
Or Klinton? (Benghazi comes to mind...)

To answer your question quite bluntly, Trump has not been charged yet with these types of crimes that I know of, yet . What he has done though is show what kind of person he is deep to his core which in turn has created conflict and divisiveness throughout the US and the world. He has also not condemned white extremists, but emboldened them with his words and actions which is exceptionally disconcerting. One story I saw that brought Joy to my heart comes to mind regarding this and made me believe change is possible in our country even though hate exists. Here is the link I hope it finds you well.

Trump has not been charged yet with these types of crimes that I know of, yet
that's because he hasn't done so since he was elected.
He can't be impeached for what he did prior to being elected..that's not the way it works.

So...he doen't kiss up to those you think he should kiss up to..
Too sad.

Deal with it.

We endured eight long years of Obama's Reign of Error...surely we can endure a New York Real Estate Agent.

(actually...I kinda like what he's done so does wall street, employment, the economy, and just about everyone except for those with anti-american sentiment)

It's very sad day when people are brain washed to the point where they don't know right from wrong. To retort your points I would say this.

  1. It would not be kissing up to admit he was wrong in his way of dealing with situations as they arise. I mean it's too be expected from a rich entitled NY real estate mogel, right!?

  2. At least Obama could bring people of all walks of life together and listen to their point of view. I mean, isn't that a critical part of conversation and collaboration??!

Come on man you got to come with better than that if you are the Potus!!!

  1. Time will tell what exactly was done by Trump nefariously during his presidency:)

admit he was wrong in his way of dealing with situations as they arise
but he wasn't wrong. He did exactly right.

At least Obama could bring people of all walks of life together and listen to their point of view. I mean, isn't that a critical part of conversation and collaboration??!
Obama did no such thing.

Obama was the most divisive president EVAH...and took the title of "bad president" away from Jimah Catah.
It's very sad day when people are brain washed to the point where they don't know right from wrong
You guys are the ones who come up with the idea of moral relativism. You guys are the ones that decided there was no black or white....only shades of grey.
Why are you sad?
You should be happy...according to your standards you got what you want.

Trump is doing a GREAT job, even if he is being too gentle with the traitors and seditionists who oppose him.
You guys are breaking all kinds of espionage/treason/sedition laws and he's let you skate so far.

Well obviously you don't have any sense of humanity or truth and there is no point in debating further with you. As a former service member to another I wish you well but will not put up with your fictional rants of falsehood and hate. No matter how much fiction you write, it is still just that. FICTION!! Impeach Trump!!!!!

for what?

Emoluments for one.

How does that apply to Trump?
Hillary definitely should be charged for said violation for her actions in Uranium One.
Probably Obama also..

If you say so.. The truth will speak loudly as it has been during this presidency of complete failure and it's only a matter of time before Trump is impeached.

why? for WHAT?