Your Citizenship Won’t Save You from Deportation

in #immigration8 years ago (edited)

This sounds crazy but the US government has deported thousands of US citizens from the country. One citizen who get deported is Mark Lyttle, who traveled through Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala as he tried to prove his citizenship. His story alone is proof that the immigration control system needs serious reform.

Currently rooms and workers in the immigration system are called courts and judges, but immigration control is not part of the judiciary system and no part of immigration acts like a regular court of law. I believe that immigration violations should be treated similarly to other crimes and everyone, regardless of citizenship status, should have their case tried in a proper court.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Mark Lyttle’s struggles with immigration control is made into a movie some day.

You can listen to Mark Lyttle’s story on this podcast: Jackie Stevens Exposes the Bizarre World of Immigrations Courts and Detention Centers, or read about it here: The Deportation Machine: A citizen trapped in the system.