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RE: European Poll: 55% Agree to Halt Immigration from Mainly Muslim Countries, 20% Disagree

in #immigration8 years ago

sometimes I wonder who is hurting who more? everyone is worry about Muslims hurting first world countries, but history has shown that these powerful countries are directly responsible for these messed up situations during last decades(let's not forget Iraq war), it sometimes sickenes me how innocent they act.
and by the way it is not an executive order against Muslim countries, it is an executive order against Muslim countries who are not on the same page with USA(and Israel) policy. Saudi Arabia is 100% Muslim, is guilty in 9/11 attack, is killing people in Yemen, has one of the highest rates in capital punishments, is violating human rights (is not even letting women to drive a damn car),ISIS is built by their money and right now lots of ISIS are Saudis, but guess what?! they are not banned from USA? you know why? because they are not against USA/Israel policy, simple and revolting as that