The Alt-Right is Right-Wing Communism

in #immigration8 years ago (edited)

This past year has been a roller coaster of strangeness of American Politics. We have seen the rise of Black Lives Matter movement, which started out as a protest against police brutality against African Americans, but morphed into a full out racist movement where whites are by virtue of being white evil. We have seen the rise of Democratic Socialism in the Democratic Party with the campaign of Bernie Sanders. We have also seen a reactionary movement that started out as opposition to the illiberal left, or Social Justice Warriors”, as they are often known as. This reactionary movement became more and more a formidable force and has taken a life on its own with the nomination of Donald J. Trump as the Republican Party nominee for POTUS. This movement is identified as the Alternative Right. This movement centers around a fight against Political Correctness as espoused by the Left-wing Social Justice Warriors and around restricting immigration.

The Alt-Right is Racist

A lot of words have been written on how many in the Alt-Right are xenophobic and racist. For example, many in the alt-right deplore multi-culturalism of any kind and believe that genocide is being committed against the white race because Blacks and immigrant communities out-breed them and that one day whites will become a minority. This, of course, makes an entire mockery of actual genocide. Genocide by definition is the systematic murder of an undesirable people group. Anglo-Americans are not being murdered on a systematic basis in either the U.S or Canada. Many in the Alt-right oppose immigration because they fear an eradication of “white culture”. The question should be asked, “What White Culture?” There is no such thing as “white culture”. White Culture in the U.S is completely a mix various cultures of ingenious peoples, immigrants, and descendants of African Slaves. Very few “white people” practice much of anything that is culturally unique to their ancestors. Culture evolves and is a product of interaction between people groups. Even if there were a distinctly “White Culture”, that culture looked different in 1970 than it does today.

The Alt-Right is Communist

The real problem of the Alternative-Right, however, is not in their being bigots and Xenophobes, but in their giving into very heart of Communism. The very heart of the debate between alt-right and everyone else that isn’t them is the issue of immigration. When you press the alt-right what gives them the right to push for the government to infringe on the right of the immigrant from entering the country and associate with me, or buy property here, or work in the states, their answer will be that immigrants are committing an act of trespass by coming here illegally and that the American Taxpayers by representation of the U.S Government owns all U.S territory, and thus have a right to make restrictions as to who can cross its borders. This theory completely shreds any resemblance of the classical liberal conception of property that the Constitution seeks to protect. It however, shares a great deal with the Socialist theory of property as espoused by the Communists. It is their view that land ownership should be abolished and owned by society. In Chapter 2 of Communists Manifesto, Marx and Engel wrote down a series of things they called on advanced countries to do in order to walk toward the Socialist paradise goal laid out in the book, among that list include items like the Progressive Income Tax, centralizations of banks, and public schooling; all of these things would be easily identified as leftist positions embraced by the Democratic Party. The First item on the list, however, that is undeniably, the true goal of the left, as it is the means to reach a complete eradication of capitalism, is the “Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes”. The Alternative-Right, in defending their own racism and xenophobia, or in defending their belief that closed borders is a better way to preserve freedom in the long run, have immediately conceded the single most important plank of the Communist platform, State ownership over all property.

The left doesn’t need to push for their progressive visions; they should just sit back and let the alternative right do it all for them in the name of protecting “White Culture”. John Locke and every libertarian since him has taught us that a man comes to own property legitimately by one or 2 means; the first being homesteading, the second being by voluntary exchange. The Government has done neither, thus all property it has claims to are illegitimate and truly unowned. If they are unowned, then nobody has the right to stop anyone else from homesteading those lands. Those who are for a closed border are abandoning the very backbone of the Classical Liberal/Libertarian tradition and are embracing Socialism.

The Inconsistency of the Alt-Right

Aside from the economic protectionism that drives the anti-immigration stance of Donad J. Trump and the Paleo-Conservatives, the alt-right have different reasons to restrict immigration. The most often cited reason for them wanting to restrict immigration, is that immigrants tend to vote more Democratic, and thus for a larger welfare state and more taxes, which in turns bring us more restrictive and intrusive government. To state it differently, we should keep Mexicans out because some of them might in the future scribble words on a piece of paper that may lead to the election of a Democrat who will initiate force on the white middle class Alt-right guy to pay for big government, all because Mexicans currently are a huge block of the Democratic voting base. Of course, we could apply this same logic to justify the banning of guns. @larkenrose did this very thing in his article on consistency.


Well written. I think that immigration needs to be contained, but do not think it will never be resolved. It is much more a humanitarian issue than anything else, and like any humanitarian problem is difficult to solve

The "alt-right" is a term invented by Hillary & co. to distract from her corruption and scandals and spin up a 'racist' boogeyman. Nothing has been more racist than the democratic policies that have decimated the inner cities and minorities' opportunities there. Those are marxist and communistic policies. It's projection. Nothing more.

The problem with this argument is that it is not a projection at all. People who do actually identify with the Alt-right actually do advocate for the arguments I spelled out and responded to.. I'd love to see evidence that Hillary and co. invented the term "Alt-Right". But let's say that is right, it doesn't make the movement any less real, or that the majority of those persons are actually racists and xenophobes. (Not saying that they don't have a right to be racists). True, the left tends to cry racism over everything, but that doesn't mean racists don't actually exists. Lastly, my article has NOTHING to do with criticizing anyone for criticizing Democratic policies. My article happens to be criticizing leftism to the point that it criticizes the right-wing Social Justice Warrars that are "the alt-right"

All of the actual racism is on the Left. The USA is one of the MOST 'diverse' nations on Earth, but the Left won't be satisfied until whites are the minority here. No other nation on Earth allows so many foreigners to immigrate (legal or otherwise), and by the Left's standards place like Japan (which STRICTLY controls immigration) are extremely racist, yet you don't see any movement to address Japan's 'racism' do you?

the Left being full of racists have NOTHING to do with my article. And I actually would oppose Japanese immigration restrictions too. Let this sink in to you.. I BELIEVE IN PRIVATE PROPERTY! I oppose ALL attempts to VIOLATE the PROPERTY RIGHTS of ANY person.

If you can't understand the rise of the Alt-Right I don't know what to tell you...

I can undderstand the rise of the Alt-right. that isn't a mystery. That still isn't a rebuttal to my criticisms of the Alt-Right.

The Alt-Right is a natural and predictable reaction to DECADES of increasingly extreme and hostile anti-white-hetero-male and Christian propaganda.

I'm guessing you're a leftist who isn't really concerned about racism or anything else of importance, but in continuing the current false narrative that white people are evil oppressors...

maybe you should go and read my other works. I'm definately not a Leftist. I'm a Radical Free Market Anarchist who believes in private property rights. Heck, if you actually read the article you'd be able to see that I'm not a Leftist. I was completely slamming the Alt-right because THEY have embraced the most foundational tenant of the left.

and for the love of God, learn how to read, NOTHING in post said anything about white people being evil or shit like that. Instead of actually making assumptions, it would be good to actually use your brain.

The alt-right is just a silly phrase, Marxist like to box ideas and movements into a phrase so a negative connotation can be given to that phrase. Marxists love also to box a group of people together so they can take the worse or best of that group to further their own view points. Everyone is an individual and we have individual thoughts. This individuality scares communists and Marxists. I cannot be boxed into a phrase or word and neither can my fellow Americans. This is the land of the free and home of the brave. If you want a land of the collective and eradicate individuality please go to North Korea. Allow us to continue to be free and have individuality in America.

This is absolute hit job and horseshit. I think you should spend some time at and listen to it more. Much of alt right is humor and just not giving a shit about political correctness, and filters are off completely on topics that have been off limits for years. It's easy to write some yellow journalism on this without much context, why not spend some more time listening and less time repeating mainstream narritive.

Good goy!

No, the alt-right is fundamentally opposed to communism and any sort of marxist ideology.

Stop throwing mud in the water.