With Canada, The United States of America, and most of Europe facing huge influxes of migrants, both 'legal' and 'illegal' many local inhabitants of the western world are upset.
The influx of these millions of migrants comes at the same time as us western populations are quickly becoming aware of these other realities;
- We're broke. Generally speaking, most everyone has too much debt and interest rates are climbing.
- We're stupid. The public education system has failed to educate most western people with the competence that our parents and grandparents had.
- Fertility rates and birthrates of many western nations have plummeted well below replacement levels.
- We're lazy. Many people would rather live off their parents or government handouts than work at a low wage job.
- High inflation caused by the banking cartels printing massive sums of money is an invisible tax on everyone, that effects the poor the most.
All of the above problems were growing in the west before Biden and Trudeau allowed the migrants to "Surge the borders". Although I dislike these two idiots more than you do, Dear Reader, let me tell you why the 'migration crisis' is not as terrible as you might think.
Advantages of having More People in Canada:
- The migrants who make the journey to Canada are more confident people than most of their fellow countrymen that they leave behind.
- New immigrants tend to get to work.
- New immigrants tend to save money.
- If you're a home owner already, the mass migration is raising your home's value.
- New immigrants are more religious and more conservative / less woke.
- If you're an employer you can hire immigrants and they'll actually show up to work.
- New immigrants haven't had as many vaccines and are therefore much healthier than Canada's general population.
Without what Alex Jones and others call 'the great replacement' Canada and other western nations would soon not have enough people to keep the economy going.
The other side of the argument:
Is keeping the economy going important? What does that even mean... "keep the economy going."? I mean even if 80% of the businesses shut down due to lack of labour... so what eh?
So what if our birthrates are falling. If Canada's borders were closed and our population dropped from 40 million to 20 million in 50 years... think about how nice and low houses and used cars would be!
And how about the crime! Isn't crime in the big Canadian cities skyrocketing?!?!
And also I don't think that these migrants are hard working at all. I think that they are coming here to live on welfare and get a free education and free healthcare too.
Yes these are common points that the anti-immigration people make.
My solution is to dismantle the entire socialist state!
- Shutdown the public Education system. A private more efficient system would spring up that would provide far superior results for about 20% the cost.
- Shut down the public healthcare system - probably by just giving the hospitals to the employees and letting them figure out to run them for profit.
- Shut down welfare, especially for immigrants. That way we know that they're coming to Canada for good reasons.
That's a good start. More later.
When I think about ethical issues, I like to put myself in the other man's shoes. As a middle class Canadian I am most likely in the top 1% fortunate people on earth. (Thanks Mom and Dad!) But now think about being that guy in some shit hole country that has had hyper-inflation for 50 years and there's not a lot of opportunity to get ahead. There's not even a good legal system to protect your wealth if you do start to get ahead...
Well you have two legs and you're young and you can walk along way. You hear about these places with wealth and opportunity much greater than where you are. Where you can get work and maybe even buy an automobile!
You note that the only people with automobiles where you're from are government employees and nincompoops from he NGOs. But in America (Canada)... you can have a better life.
So why wouldn't you walk across a border?
And if you did, who am I to say you're bad to do so?
Borders are imaginary lines made by authoritarian pricks who should be exiled to Baffin Island.
Speaking of Baffin Island... and this is my last point... Do you understand how fucking HUGE Canada is? Canada can fit more people.