Why can't the Republicans embrace immigration and turn the immigrants into Republicans?

in #immigration6 years ago (edited)

I mean honestly, who's a better U.S. citizen? A snowflake, brainwashed, entitled, gender-confused, anti-American Liberal, or a hard working, Christian Latino who appreciates the U.S.?

Ahhhh. So now you're beginning to see the light.

Since California is already lost, why not welcome South American immigrants but ONLY to California. Let them come in hassle free, no quota, just wide open. Have a two hour processing time where they are health checked, ID'd out the wazzoo (fingerprints, photo, DNA etc), checked for infectious diseases and if possible a background check. Make them get "chipped" so they can be identified and put chip readers at all the interstate, border crossings with California. Have them agree in writing that they are ineligible for welfare (or not, as long as it's only affecting California, let them loot the government coffers) Make them stay in California if possible. Make the chip unremovable if possible. ID them at the border. Criminals deported need to be marked (tattooed) so if those try come back no, they are rejected (still need a wall for those).

Notice how the residents of Tijuana are rejecting the Caravan people. Well that will happen in California in a couple of years. California will turn Red and boom, problem solved.