I came across this Canvas in the middle of the concrete jungle better known as Manhattan, New York. As a photographer always on the hunt for an irregularity, I couldn't believe my eyes. A large canvas and one spectator. Just me.
After enjoying this view for a good while, I turned around to walk back into the concrete jungle, however, savoring the suspended scenery along this path quite literally hanging above the city, known as The High Line.
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I'm trying to figure out what I'm seeing in the top picture! hahahaha
but that bottom... ohhhhhh that's lovely :)
Thanks - The top pic is almost stranger than fiction, especially in person.
yes!!! hahahaha I kept turning the screen so I could try to figure out what I was seeing LOLOLOL
I really love that first picture and even though I have no idea what it's suppose to be, I find it really beautiful and colorful 😊
Thank you for sharing. Cheers!
Thanks 😊. It appeared to be a painted canvas left in the middle of New York City for people like me to stop, wonder and capture it.