That's actually a part of the appeal :)
I'm not a big fan of this capitalism game everyone is playing. I want to get at some good land and just be a while.
That's actually a part of the appeal :)
I'm not a big fan of this capitalism game everyone is playing. I want to get at some good land and just be a while.
When you actually experience true capitalism, get back to me. America is not capitalism, it is not a free market, it is not a free country. lol The closer it gets to socialism, the worse conditions have become.
Not understanding the reasons why socialism is wrong... priceless. Grow a brain.
Hey friend, don't presume to know too much about this or that, not least of which my thoughts or opinions. I understand that America is not a "Free Market" but to say it isn't capitalism is not correct. The two aren't necessarily synonymous. And I would rather have the US wield it's socialist tendencies toward helping out actual people, rather than corporate persons. Socialism isn't a cure, but the system that we colloquially refer to as "capitalism" has been, I think, an incredibly negative force in the world.
Also, as a sidenote, I find your comments about this topic to be needlessly sensitive. No one is attacking you, but you seem to be eager to defend.
This isn't a youtube comment section, how about we lose the insults.
You don't get it, no worries. What you don't understand is how your beliefs contribute to the issue.
Go be Awesome!
I resent being told I don't get it and that my beliefs are a part of the problem when you don't know anything about me, the things I think, or what I believe. It's possible that divisive viewpoints and kneejerk judgments also contribute to the issue.
I encourage you to try approaching others with a greater sense of humility.
Thank you. Enjoy CO.
I totally understand.
The Emotional Reaction is Always Proportionate
to how deeply you believed the lie. I would resent it too. Those who are under 30 and don't believe in socialism, have no heart. Those who are over 30 and still believe in socialism, have no brain.
I'm done here. :)