What are CC0 images?
CC0 images are images that anybody can use. The author of the image has dedicated it to the public domain and has waived all of their rights over it. As the official site says it:
The person who associated a work with this deed [Creative Commons Zero] has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.
You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
Taken from here
- http://unsplash.com/
- http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/
- http://pixabay.com/
- http://splitshire.com/
- http://www.1millionfreepictures.com/
- http://viintage.com/
- http://www.gratisography.com/
- http://littlevisuals.co/
- http://www.pdpics.com/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/britishlibrary/
- http://nos.twnsnd.co/
- http://pickupimage.com/
- http://publicdomainarchive.com/
Taken from here
- http://magdeleine.co/
- http://libreshot.com/
- http://www.reusableart.com/
- http://skitterphoto.com/
- https://stocksnap.io/
- http://barnimages.com/
Taken from here
- https://pexels.com
- http://realisticshots.com/
- http://www.lifeofpix.com/
- http://www.freenaturestock.com/
- http://snapwiresnaps.tumblr.com/
- http://kaboompics.com/
- http://travelcoffeebook.com/
- http://foodiesfeed.com/
- http://furiouscamera.com/
- http://mmt.li/
- http://jaymantri.com/
- http://cupcake.nilssonlee.se/
- http://startupstockphotos.com/
A few more
If you visit one of these sites to take pictures for your posts, make sure to read the license. The sites I took them from say that they are CC0, but what if they were careless? I didn't check, so if you do use their images, make sure to check or you might be accidentally infringing someone's rights.
Don't link directly to their pictures or they might change the link and, since you can't edit Steemit posts after 7 days, you'll be left with a dead, unfixable image. Solution: upload them to another website (I use Imgur. You may look for one you like. I won't list them here).