Words and images by @serste
Welcome to this scribble book of mine!
This is a diary of my works in progress, from the first (usually naive) idea to something I'll force myself to consider 'completed'; The process can take a variable amount of time to develop, depending on several factors.
The Theme
This is obviously the first instance, the generating force of everything to come in this process.
The initial steps to get close to a theme are fundamental, and involve browsing for hours (constantly avoiding click-baits) and beginning to save references.
I almost exclusively work in digital, so I've got to force my messy nature into a proper organisation of folders and file names.
The Leisure
Over the years I'm coming to embrace the importance of taking the time (and the right) to be otiose. I now more lightly allow myself to switch off, and I'm able to re-charge in a shorter time and be more efficient in the drawing process.
The Time
As I've learned, if I want to call myself a professional illustrator I'll have to build my own schedule. Nobody can figure out the most effective way to develop a concept rather than the illustrator himself. Assuming this, I'm taking track of the process and its milestones in order to be able to reach a basic design as soon as I feel comfortable with the subject.
The Interference (better known as 'daily life')
Working in restaurants' kitchen was definitely an excellent training to boost my poor attention-span skills: I'd had to keep track of many things at the same time, and often mentally step back to grasp a quick pipeline panorama. My life today is very different, as now I'm learning how to conciliate the amount of attention needed to work on a drawing and the daily tasks of an housewife.
Thank you for your time!
Think I'll give the bath a miss today :DBeautiful drawing @serste
featured content: 'Puorpo', zooming animation made with Mischief: