The Simple Cure for Most illnesses and Infections and Virus’s, that costs just pennies. This is not a joke.

in #illness8 years ago (edited)

Hi, my names Carl and About 4 years ago I stumbled onto a storey about a guy named Jim (I will not give you his full name yet). Although I did not know it at the time, that day was a miracle day for me and my family. Jim had figured out how to simply cure most illnesses and infections, and after reading lots of information about Jim and what he had discovered, I believed he was telling the truth. Although Jim does not sell the simple cure, people around the world do make the mixture and you can even make it yourself from a couple of ingredients that are readily available. 

But has the saying goes the proof is in the pudding, so I bought some of the mixture which is very cheap, ready for the inevitability of illness striking myself or my family. I first used it on my dog, she’s a pug named Maisy. She had a prolapse hanging from her behind which was proving difficult for the vet to get back in. The prolapse becoming infected and was turning green and black and smelt awful, I feared we were going to lose her. I put some of the mixture into a small spray atomiser and sprayed the infection 3 times a day. Almost the same day the smell started to disappear and the redness looked much less aggressive. By the second day there was absolutely no doubt the situation was improving, and by the 3rd day the prolapse was a healthy pink colour and the green and black areas had almost disappeared. I continued to spray for the next few day and the prolapse just simple healed and went back in and has been fine ever since. 

I believe it saved Maisy’s life, and saved me a fortune in vet bills and Maisie is well and very happy with the results. The second time I used it was one night about 10pm, I started to get stomach cramps which become unbearable and I knew I had food poisoning as I had, had it before. There was no one in the house at the time and I could not stand up as the cramps and pain where unbearable. I crawled through the living room to get the mixture from the kitchen. I had learnt the mixture worked very fast on food poisoning so would in theory work quicker than ringing an ambulance and going to hospital. I got to the kitchen and managed to put 7 drops into a glass and added some water and drink it.  I know this sounds unbelievable but 20 minutes later the pain and cramps had gone, and I simply had a cup of tea and went to bed and had a good night’s sleep. 

The second time I used it is so miraculous, you may find it difficult to believe, but I am so grateful it is true. My wife had for some time been suffering from chest infections and the situation was not good. I had tried to get my wife to take the mixture over the previous 2 years, but she would only take what the doctor prescribed here, which was antibiotics and steroids. After 2 years of multiple courses of antibiotics and steroids, which were just not working she developed the onset of pneumonia. I said to her, that it really was time she tried the mixture as she was not well at all. She reluctantly agreed and I put the mixture into a small spray atomiser like I had done for Maisy, but this time she had the press the spray and breath in the mist vapour. She did the 3 times a day. (This is the unbelievable bit), within 3 days her lungs felt normal and she was breathing normally, she said to me this is a miracle, and I agree, it is a miraculous mixture. She has no problems with her lungs and breathing any longer, and has been well for 18 months.     

I have used it on other family members who have had various bugs and viruses and fever’ with equally miraculous results. But there is a problem, if this mixture became widely used the drug companies would lose hundreds of billion$, so the drug companies are doing everything they can to destroy the use and credibility of the mixture. It is now banned in the USA and the UK, I order mine from someone in Australia. Jim and his followers have had to become a registered church preaching health, to get around the laws which would stop them informing people about this. The ingredients of the mixture are in many foods which we eat daily, so they are not exactly poisonous are they. 

One guy who did not become a member of the church told people about it and sold someone some, he was jailed for 35 years in the USA. The drug companies are ruthless when it comes to money and profit. The mixture is uses common ingredients so the drug companies cannot patient it and it’s a cure, and drug companies are mainly interested in treatments which drag on and make them money. 

You can believe the drug companies, or me, Jim Humble and his followers, luckily they have just produced a documentary about this, which explains everything. It’s up to you, but if you want to see miracle cures in you and your family, that costs just pennies, then here it is. I have written the truth as I see it, now it’s up to you to believe.