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RE: insideoutlet's Maternity Leave Adventures : 2019/01/20

in #ileostomy6 years ago

hahaha that's awesome!! Shit definitely will happen in your house :) You gotta write these things down; my youngest was full of beans and I always had stories to tell my friends. One of them told me to write them down and at the time, I never thought I would forget them ... but guess what? With age comes forgetting :) That's one great thing about steemit ... your shit stories are here forever :)


Haha so true, my memoey is shite, too many years on class A pain meds so if I dont write it down its not going to happeb or be remembered haha. I wush i had more energy to write more but I sleep when he sleeps and when his awske well, theres no time for anything. Lol.