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RE: IFC S2R5: A Potentially Funny and Definitely Insane Theory on the Origins of the Nephilim

in #ifc6 years ago

Yeah I know about the Celtic God Cernunnos and the statue of Shiva outside CERN. There's also some talk of the location of the LHC being above what is believed to be the grave of Abadon. I don't know what the fuck is true and what is false, but if you ever seen the opening ceremony for the LHC at CERN, there is no way to label that as anything other than fucked up. You don't need to understand the occult to look at that video and know that whatever they're doing there is not solely about science.

I think that the gods may also be a part of or reflections of our subconscious, but for me there would still need to be a Creative force behind the universe, which would supersede any lesser gods. Though I have wondered if perhaps life itself is that creative force.

I hope you complete the documentary you speak of. I'd be interested to watch it.


There's also some talk of the location of the LHC being above what is believed to be the grave of Abadon.

I think I've heard that before or that it was built on top of some ruins or something like that, though it's been a while since I researched it.

I don't know what the fuck is true and what is false, but if you ever seen the opening ceremony for the LHC at CERN, there is no way to label that as anything other than fucked up. You don't need to understand the occult to look at that video and know that whatever they're doing there is not solely about science.

Hmmm.. Not sure if I've seen that. Perhaps I should do a search on YouTube and see if I can find it.. But yeah there's definitely a lot of weird symbolism going on. If I remember correctly the firetruck or police cars in their music video thing had the number 33 on them which seems pretty clear they are connected to the Free Masons as I doubt that was an accident/coincidence.. It does seem like they have a lot occult going on.

I think that the gods may also be a part of or reflections of our subconscious, but for me there would still need to be a Creative force behind the universe, which would supersede any lesser gods. Though I have wondered if perhaps life itself is that creative force.

I agree, though to me the creative force isn't necessarily a physical entity, it could be more like a spiritual energy. Though I admittedly don't know.. Just trying to theorize.

I hope you complete the documentary you speak of. I'd be interested to watch it.

Word! I actually have part of it online, I'll link it to you as I think you may enjoy it! There's some really fascinating info contained within it. Though the movie is still far from complete, there's sooo much more.. But what I have so far is pretty powerful in my opinion! I think I made a few connections no one else in the public realm has, like the Tower of David for example having the 9/11 address and also the Free Masonic connections to the number 9/11 with their lodges.. I had never seen some of this stuff before in anyone elses research.