Here's the entry in from @owietus.
IFC Season 2 Championships: Family, Crystals, Science, Spirituality & New Beginnings
I have to say this weeks challenge of Family, Crystals, Spirituality, Science and New Beginnings has really piqued my interest and i gave these subjects great thought and enjoyed this challenge.
Family is a wonderful gift. Gives us our genetics, intelligence, body structure & features. Close families give love and support to each other. Family has the greatest impression on how we think, act and many times occupation choices. It is hard to step away from family upbringing; especially in religion, social situations, manners, speech, & habits. Although we are all capable of growing and reinventing ourselves. Negative family situations may cause life long emotional damage, stifle creativity, low self esteem, negative outlook on life. Positive family upbringing seems to nurture self-esteem, creativity, positive belief in the future, better ability to get along with others, more stable careers and family relationships of their own.
Crystals & Science
Everything including, humans, seemingly solid objects and crystals are vibrating energy. Crystals are made up of a fixed, regularly repeating, perfect geometric pattern of molecules. Whereas humans vibration is constantly changing. Human vibration easily changes for example: other persons, health, mood, music, feelings, food, color, metals & even crystal. Every crystal has a different energetic frequency. The colors of crystals are specific light frequencies. Red, for example, has a much lower frequency than purple . The same goes for our own bodies. If you look at a chakra diagram, the lowest chakra (the root chakra) is shown in red, which aligns with the low vibrational frequency of that chakra. Your crown chakra, on the other hand, is shown in purple, as it is the highest vibration chakra, and the highest vibration color. I have used specific crystals that have the associated chakra color and felt an immediate shift in my energies doing a chakra layout with specific colored crystals. Glass is crystalized sand and is constantly moving. Look at your 100 year old buildings to see the movement of the glass thicker at the bottom of the window. Mechanically speaking watches have harder crystals of ruby, sapphire or garnet jewels to reduce the wear and tear of moving parts to give a longer life to the watch , better accuracy & longer periods between servicing. Sapphire crystals are used for non scratch watch protective faces. Garnet crystals are the most commonly used in solid-state lasers. Genuine as well synthetic crystals are tested with the use of refractometers. Gemological refractometer is the most important of all gem testing instruments. The primary use of the refractometer is to measure the angle at which light traveling through the stone is bent or refracted. This is called Refractive Index . Refractive Index is different for different gemstones, this provides an important clue for accurate gemstone identification.
Spirituality is recognition & trust of a higher Being, knowing you are directly connected to Source God energy without needing to follow any specific religion. , higher cosmic divine energy . Belief in divine energy for peace , well being, purpose , the healing of the people, planet, universes. Having a path of spirituality can be life changing , dropping ego, humbleness, trusting all happens with divine energy, helping others, joy in your heart, joy to be alive, joy to be in nature with all Earths creations. Love as a universal energy, Knowing that everything and everyone are connected. Not needing anyone to tell you what to believe but trusting your own inner guidance. On the evening of pink eclipse I sent blessings to the ocean and as you see in the photo a few spirit orbs came out to play. so spirituality is also honoring nature and all it’s beings in the universe and being open to what presents itself to you.
New Beginnings:
New beginnings come into our lives more than once .Going to school and out into the world with college education or other studies, new jobs, new partners, marriage for many or cohabiting with another , babies, mid life crisis , moving , changing religious views, meditation, occupation changes are all new beginnings. Most of us are scared & even excited for new beginnings. Moving is 2nd to Loss of a parent or loved one on stress level. We constantly are doing new beginnings but most people may only connect a true new beginning as completely leaving ones life and starting an entirely new way of living. New thought processes, new occupation or none, new location and perhaps even moving to another country,