Is that ironic or serious? I am not sure ... went to the website and it seems you are serious after all.
There is no world solution, it is to be understood that the complexity and diversity of human feeling, thinking and acting in its entirety already carries every solution in itself and can be found by the individual without wanting to immediately transfer this personal result to all others.
I am amazed that you take the world problem solvers as role models, nothing else is done by the think tanks with a lot of financial power behind them. They model scenarios and determine an "as-is" state where they name the world problems that you also list on your page.
On that page you ask what would happen if antibiotics no longer worked. Behind this is the assumption that we will all die then because our own developed medicine has become ineffective. This implies that our evolution has done an exceedingly "bad job" and made us so vulnerable to environmental influences, so to speak, that we cannot live at all without artificially produced preparations. I would say that the opposite is the case. We live extremely effectively and in co-existence with viruses and bacteria in symbiosis and if we were not able to do this, we humans and animals/plants would not exist because they all live in symbiosis with microbes.
My personal view of the world's problems is that I will not solve them and neither will anyone else, no group, no government, no united peoples or nations. It is a more philosophical spiritual task to confront the so-called problems of life.