How Can We POSSIBLY Hope to Make Progress as a Species When...

in #idealism7 years ago

... the majority of the people in the world are more interested in Kim Kardashian's ass or Donald Trump's latest twitter faux-pas than actually solving real issues that affect our collective future? 

Or am I just being abnormally naive in believing it's a worthwhile endeavor to be concerned about the general future and betterment of humanity? Let's face it, much of human history is marked not by huge advanced so much as by people and nations beating the snot out of each other.

So, What's REALLY Eating You, This Morning?

Fiery sunset

I was having a brief online discussion with someone about "income inequality" and it occurred to me that it wasn't so much THAT the gap between the rich and the poor is huge that bothers me (that's part of free enterprise, I fear)...

... as the fact that "rich" is more often the result of DE-structive behavior and enterprise and those who sincerely engage in CON-structive behavior and enterprise more often than not end up penniless as a result of their efforts.

I watch our marvelous and very promising community here on Steemit-- loosely based on the notion of a "gift economy" and "paying it forward"-- and I even see deterioration towards a "lower common denominator" here: I looked at a couple of relative newcomer accounts this morning who had the appearance of doing really well... but on closer inspection, it turned out that once I removed the $80 worth of "paid self-upvotes," they really weren't doing very well, at all... and they weren't making any attempt to do well (engaging).  

Maybe I'm just too idealistic for my own good!

Trying a somewhat shorter format here, as engagement seems to be dropping as of late. What do you think?

How about YOU? Where do you stand on the "idealism" vs "realism" scale? Are humans basically doomed to destroy anything that looks efforts to benefit all? IS there such a thing as a human "greed gene?" Are we an inherently destructive and combative species, not reall;y capable of long term peaceful cooperation? Leave a comment-- share your experiences and opinions-- be part of the conversation!

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 180209 10:22 PST


Hello @denmarkguy,

If the media tells us something about Kim Kardashian's ass each day and all our friends are often talking about KK's ass, we go to work and everyone is talking about KK's ass. Now, you and I are even talking about KK's ass. :) It is built into our culture at this point. So, we are rewarded in social points if we know what KK's ass is and why it is talked about.

Regarding the current state of SteemIt. There was not a concerted effort to build a culture. So, the most rewarded behavior is what sets the culture. When you are shaping a business, a child, a student or employees you reward behavior you want to see repeated and ignore or punish behavior you want to remove. It is that simple and it works. That is all we have here. The state of the platform is the result of what is being rewarded, ignored and punished.

Regarding the current state of SteemIt, I've been here since Aug 2016, and I spent the vast majority of that time acting like this might be a sustainable business and treating it as such. Each day and rarely missing a single day, I manually curated, left comments, got a little better at writing and found out it just doesn't matter it is in fact self defeating behavior in this environment. There are about 20 of us that do that and you likely know who they are as well as I do. SteemIt the platform was not valued from the top. They paid their curators with votes, supported curation guilds that were really vote selling operations before it was "A thing". Which is like me saying I am going to hire some labor out of somewhere with a low hourly wage, but instead of paying them, I will have them post a timecard and I will upvote it. Except they openly justified the amount of rewards they were "paying" these people saying they lived in expensive geographic locations.

I'm not overly upset because I think communities if we ever get them will fix this problem as people can form, shape and set the culture with in their community.

They way I am hearing SteemIt being described is as a "Fire Hose". Basically all of the front ends will "dump" into SteemIt and the real interaction will happen in communities. This is good news.

As odd as it sounds I think this stage although ugly is beneficial for the future as the voting bots at least give some different people a chance to snag some of the steem creating a better distribution as we move from this stage in to a bunch of different villages.

I've spend my entire working life in Start ups and they often get ugly in the process of growing. Some of this is also a size and transparency issue. In this case the bad behavior gets more attention then good behavior so it shapes the culture.

That is my perspective. Shoot, I rambled on. I may have to make this a post. And I am no longer engaging in self defeating behavior. I do not have enough stake or influence to shape this community. I am not quitting I am changing my path.

PS. You are a talented blogger and one of my most respected Steemians.

Thanks @whatsup, this is certainly a blog-worthy comment; I know what it's like to get going and suddenly it's 500 words later. And also thanks for the @appreciator tip. Double gratitude because "thanks" for the recognition but also "thanks" for what I consider appropriate use of an upvote bot.

You're right about Steemit not having had a concerted effort to build a culture; my year here tells me that because this place is heavily "developer driven" more effort was placed on building apps and technological stuff than on creating features that are directly supportive of social content.

I continue to treat Steemit as a sustainable long term venture... because if I cannot stand by what I say I believe in, how can I even take myself seriously. And so, I write every day, and I curate manually every day... because I still inhabit the mindspace in which that represents the sort of world I want to be part of creating.

And then there are the infamous "communties" which I have been holding out for for a long time, in hopes they might change the landscape around here a bit. In the meantime, I find it interesting that people seem to "self-organize" into communities, anyway... and maybe that is really the best that can happen. We end up with our circles that enjoy each other's content and commentary, and by some version of "circular reciprocity" we support each other enough that the Steemit experience remains a degree of fun and rewarding.

I have done a lot of time (mostly as a contractor) with startups as well, and I know there are growing pains. And no matter HOW well people (the "founders") seem to plan, the truth always reveals itself the same way: Those of an idealistic bent tend to vastly underestimate the level of greed and selfishness that's part of human nature.

Thanks for the supportive words!

You inspired 2 response blogs that I've seen, and several comments worthy of one! That is something we used to do in the early days, I am glad to see it coming back!

Thank you!

Well, in that case I shall consider today a successful day!

It took me a while to figure it out, but my "mission" here (to the degree anyone might have such a thing) is to stimulate engagement. Which is a return to my blogging roots: I am a "cage rattler," but not in the angry aggressive sense, but in the "can I make people THINK" sense.

So yeah, "Let's Make Thinking Great Again!"

I'm not interested in kardashians or that kind of shit because... i'm not living in usa but here in spain there are the same shit and still not following that... lucky me i'm not a brain dead XD

Do Americans really talk about her "ass" at work? - What sort of work is that? LOL...

Make this a post!

Agreed with your sentiments. I am getting jaded on it, tbh.

"Trying a somewhat shorter format here, as engagement seems to be dropping as of late. What do you think?"

I am doing exactly the same. I find that even I, a diligent curator, am a bit relieved when I see a large vertical slider at the right-hand side of my page when I load a story, because it means I can read the article in just a few minutes.

It seems to be a good adjustment, as it also helps us regular author with burnout.

Given a rare resteem on this one, since I like the focus on rich = DEstructive.

I just write a lot. If people take the time to read, I am appreciative but I find that the shorter forms even well presented leave more of fast food taste for the brain than anything of nutritional value. But, I like to write. :)

Fair points. I, too, prefer longer form prose.

"But, I like to write. :)"

Take care to keep it this way!

I prefer long form prose, too... and I'm not about to stop. Because I like writing, too. I cam to Steemit to be a blogger, in the "old style" of blogging... and that's what I plan to keep doing.

Yes exactly. Fast food taste that's the word. Since it doesn't just become about searching for small pieces of value. It becomes a way of life. Someone that invest in reading long form quality content will live his life in that way also by investing more time into stuff to create real value. It display care. It also shows a higher level of trust when someone invest more time into writing something. Something that humans thrive on. It makes you pay more attention and feel more awake.

Writing truly makes you feel more clear in the head and live more in abundance. Since every time you share something you get a bunch of new better ideas. People will take time to read when they see higher rewards from it. When they detect how it can improve their life so much. Just 10 minutes of reading each day turns into 5 hours in 1 month which is pretty impressive stuff!

Lol, it's hard to find the time to read really long articles anymore, while I do appreciate them from time to time when it is a subject I'm passionate about, sometimes it's just tedious. There's something to be said for condensing a lot of information in fewer words.

The resteem brought me here, it's super effective!

Yes it's nice when we find ways to optimize words on the page. To give maximum of value in return. It's a bit of an art form. You can learn to use certain trigger words to make people truly pay attention more. It becomes tedious when it's not optimized text. It needs to have a bit of fun inside it. Charles Bukowski was a master at that.

more engagement and interaction than a "real" post... so just trying to be open to the possibilities.Thanks! I've just been trying to mix it up, lately. As often as not, I send a "question/discussion" through using the @zappl front end and that generates

Burnout is a good point. To the extent I experience it, it's mostly related to a weariness over the distinct possibility that more people view Steemit as a "giant cash dispenser" than as a "content platform that happens to pay." Which brings me back to the destructiveness of greed.

Thanks for the resteem.

I've struggled with this in the past, but now I'm at peace with it. Being a part of the steemit community and witnessing the advancements of blockchain has really helped give me hope for humanity.

Basically I think it comes down to this: We've been force fed conditioning since we were born. Every tv show, classroom lecture, belief system, and social interaction has contributed to us being in this state. Some people are obsessed with absolutely worthless things, the bad guys have been winning, making more money, getting away with murder, finding positions of power, it's really disgusting. And over time we've been dumbed down, weakened by our constrictive school system, terrible diets, mindless entertainment, and chemical laden products.

However with there are two things I see happening that I think can overcome this: A subtle spiritual revolution I see happening, and the less subtle advancements in technology in the blockchain space. These two things combined could very well alter the course of humanity, righting the ship!

Some wise word: Be the change you want to see in the world -Gandhi I think

That's all any of us can do, so instead of thinking that you are the sum of the 5 people around you, flip that idea on it's head and become an influence for good to your sphere of people. The more we be the change, the faster that change will occur. Looks like you've already got a start on that, followed

This comment is nearly a post ready to go. I think you should repost this as a blog, add context (change "it" in t he first line, for example) and expand on this section:

"However with there are two things I see happening that I think can overcome this: A subtle spiritual revolution I see happening, and the less subtle advancements in technology in the blockchain space. "

Thanks @lexiconical, I might just do that!

It happened, longer than expected

Great comment-- and agreed entirely. As @lexiconical suggested, this is almost a post all by itself.

Yes, we're conditioned. And to what end? To keep our minds sleepy and comfortable as we consume a diet of "soup" created by the powers that be to keep us from engaging in questions and critical thinking. Because if we start questioning we become a threat to the system.

And so, I find myself here on Steemit... seeing a "platform of freedom"... where I write long form blog posts with the vain hope that sometimes a few people will wake up and THINK. And if that happens, then I have succeeded. I find hope here, too... because in spite of whatever flaws I may have pointed to, there is also a growing movement here; a movement of "paying it forward;" a movement of a "gift economy" where people are subtly learning that it's rewarding to give something to others.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply, I actually ended up making a post based on this comment as suggested, I don't know if I hit on everything, but I agree with what you say here. There is an interesting group of people on steemit, I've found more like-minded individuals here than anywhere else.

We do need people to wake up and think, we've needed it for a long time now, and I don't know if it's happening fast enough, but people are waking up. I started to a few years ago and continue to. I also write to wake people up, I feel like if people knew what that entailed they'd think twice about it, but if they knew from experience they'd jump at any opportunity to learn what that means. To learn about all the things that have been hidden from us is quite the shock.

I truly believe steemit can be a difference maker, we can build an incredibly strong community here and support one another. Cheers, if you have a sec check out my post, I basically expanded my thoughts on your topic

Truthfully, I feel as if 90% of people have good intentions and are stand up people just looking to contribute to a greater community and progress both themselves and their families.

However, at the same time, we have a 10% portion of humanity that is a chronic pain in the ass that interferes with progress. Deceitful, conniving, selfish, and willing to lie, cheat, and steal from the aforementioned 90%. It also seems reasonable to assume that these 10% are more inclined to gravitate towards positions of power, influence, and fame (really out of need for attention) in order to affirm their egos.

Just my two cents, I still believe the good guys win out the war while the bad guys are given the advantage in winning certain battles in our society. I've noticed engagement lacking in my posts as well, a shame as that's really what keeps me going. As they say, patience will prevail. Best to you in Denmark.

Not sure about "good" and "bad" as those tend to be very nebulous ideas. But perhaps what we have are a majority who think beyond themselves and a minority who cares ONLY about themselves. Which does set up a dodgy dynamic.

I think we may also have different life beliefs at work. Some people authentically believe we live in a world of scarcity, which leads them to hoard whatever they can; others believe we live in a world of plenty... so there is no need to hoard because there is always going to be "enough."

Egos tend to be driven by fear... the fear that what appears to be big/strong is in fact just a veneer over uncertainty and a dubious sense of self.

Last, just a minor point of order: I am Danish and was born and raised there; lived in Europe till I was 20; but now call the US Pacific Northwest home. Many of my "musings" here are the result of my "bi-cultural" nature questioning things.

Exactly. "Good" v "bad" is painting in broad strokes to say the least, but I stand by my view that there are those who are only concerned with themselves and serve as a drag on total progress, whereas the majority have good intentions.

@phoneinf I had to laugh at your last sentence: "People at the top are usually extremely win-win that's how they got so far." Let us agree to disagree, my friend. I imagine we are not referring to the same people, which is fair considering this is all over text with no body language for context.

This good guy and bad guy view is very weird way of looking at people. I just look at them as people that try to do the best they can. But we are all born into various systems that shapes us. And the reason why people go for power and influence is because of survival and that many enjoy it. Life is competition and survival of the fittest. And everyone wants to get into a better position!

99.99% have good intentions since it's how we are wired. Life is getting better and more abundant all the time. Since people have good intentions. Most is not stealing but creating new value. People at the top are usually extremely win-win that's how they got so far.

... as the fact that "rich" is more often the result of DE-structive behavior and enterprise and those who sincerely engage in CON-structive behavior and enterprise more often than not end up penniless as a result of their efforts

This is the answer here. It is not them, it is us.

I am going to write a post on this soon.

I shall look forward to that-- if anyone around here would be able to elegantly dissect that concept, it would be you.

I always end up back at "short term" vs "long term" thinking. Here in the US Pacific Northwest, the most poignant metaphor is the lumber industry and our forests. People try to protect old growth forests from being clear cut... because that old forest lumber is VERY valuable. And then the people who are in favor of harvesting "because... MONEY" come back a couple of years later and are all whingy because there's no forest to take their kids camping in...

And then, suddenly, it IS "them."

I don't know if I answered your question and it is less than elegant, but it is there ;)

I think that the problem is that the vast majority of the people have good innate intentions; however, once the minority starts misbehaving, many initially constructive people turn to destructive behavior too.

That said, when you're a Steemit newcomer (and you're not a celebrity, exotic traveler, photographer, or a similar niche that does really well here) it is very hard to push through without promoting posts with paid upvotes. I do try to provide high-quality, my posts are upvoted by some noticeable Steemians and a couple of my comments were upvoted by @thing-2 and @gentlebot (bots that award meaningful comments), but it would still be a very slow progress without the bid bots.

Cheers! : )

When you are new on Steemit you should just focus on writing quality comments. Since that is the fastest way to grow your following and community. And it shows that you truly care about a specific person. If you pay for upvotes then that will be a way you will live your life. It becomes a lifestyle of laziness and scarcity. Clearly invest in real physical humans is better than a computer bot. Everyone start from 0 on Steemit. Even the so called fame people. Since even their audience won't adopt a new platform in 2 seconds. That is not how the world works.

I agree with you about the importance of writing quality comments for new Steemians - it is the top priority. However, I consider investing in bid bots a different, additional investment. In (quality) comments, you invest yourself, your thoughts, and your time. In bid bots, you (re)invest money earned on Steemit.

Thought provoking post! Social media sites like Facebook and Snapchat, which are driven purely by profit via advertising, are toxic. It's hard to even discern between content and advertisements.

I think once people from more prominent sites like and Reddit start to convert to Steemit.. the content creation will be better.

Perhaps that's too optimistic, but I do believe people will migrate to decentralized platforms where they are actually rewarded for the content they create. Why wouldn't they?

Engagement is lacking here. People are too lazy to read. They just want a quick upvote or follow. Our attention spans are that of a goldfish.

Only time will tell.. when it comes to content, thanks for fighting the good fight. All the best

Well they aren't purely 100% bad since then people wouldn't use it. People get massive value out from these platforms. Especially if you use it to maximize your business profits. The way you can reach so many people. The potential! But it requires you to take advantage of new opportunity.

Of course people will move to platforms like Steemit eventually. Because now it makes 0 sense to make stuff for free when you can be rewarded for it and increase your online trust and reputation scores. Content creation in the online space is always being improved. People are reading and generating value by rewarding good stuff. My attention span is not of a goldfish and I know many that have just fine attention.

Time is telling us more people is moving into the space and adopt these new platforms. We are going digital baby. No going back once people see how fast you can exchange value to other people! Of course it still takes real investment and sacrifice of your time to generate a good product that people like.

Haha thanks for the non-goldfish attentive comment. I tend to generalize the masses when I say 'we' or 'our.' I hope we aren't going back! With technology as our catalyst, people are starting to connect the dots and foster win-win relationships.

From blockchain to AI applications, the decentralized value exchange train has already taken off, gaining steam, and doesn't appear to be slowing down anytime soon. Perhaps we'll get off the 'train' when we pursue space colonization.

Regardless, exciting times

this is so great @denmarkguy

what do you think?

love to read it, thanks for sharing.

The kardashian trend...along with other celebrity fascination is meant that way to distract the world from real issues. Everyone can wrap themselves in their "safe zone" and not have to deal with the real issues that plague society and that should be dealt war or wealth inequality because they are happy things are easier to deal with a fake reality. It's the rich conditioning the average to consume into oblivion so they have all the money and all the power, meanwhile everyone is distracted and addicted to it. It has caused the "instant gratificatio or it's not worth it culture" within my generation more than ever. It can be seen everywhere from the way we eat, do our daily task, career, marriages, relationships and other social interactions...just about anything nowa days and now my generation is passing that on to their kids, so it will get way worse. If things aren't fun, we don't have to deal with them.

As far as steemit goes, everybody wants to be on the trending page and will do anything necessary even bad behavior because it' what they learned thru out their lives, if that's how it works in the real world, why would it be any different here? at the end of the day it's the same people therefore the behavior will be applied here as well...And it works, so why change? I have always lived with integrity even if it never gets me anything I want and get nowhere for having morals and that's ok , at least my demons don't come back to haunt me and keep me up at night. I'm a firm believer in you get what you put in, if it was undeserved, the universe will mange to take it away in one form or another. I'm under the impression steemit was started on a different mindset but by keeping it's decentralized nature, cheaters are allowed to cheat and get away with it, and there will always be cheaters. New comers that try to make it legitimately get stomped on by the spammers with the cash so naturally ppl wan to make it therefore adopt the same shady behavior that gets rewarded. I guess it just happens when you involve money, greed takes the fun out of it. People wonder why we need goverment to make rules and police to enforce them, steemit is the first hand example why and that if given the opportunity to conduct one self with integrity in the first place without policing doesn't work. I aprove of community bots or curation projects that works hard at finding good content to promote at the benefit of the platform but I would take away the bid bots because that's what is getting the spam or low quality content by thrive by rewarding such behavior and burying the good content. So really there is no incentive to make an effort. I'm only here as another social media site and don't plan on ever making it big here so I just do my own thing whatever the outcome is and that's how the platform should be treated instead of seen like a cash cow.

I used to leave more comments and interact more on other ppl's blog but for the most part get no response in return or lack of engagement so why bother wasting my time, I have better things to do. I always respond to the lilttle traffic I get on my blogs comments and where I may get interaction but that's about it. Steemit has become just as superficial as the real world.

I am day dreamer so i believe in idealism but the bitter truth is idealism is far from reality now a days. People of this era are so materialistic these days so they don't care other, Percipience is only available in dictionary these days, and it's all because of we like to be superior with other. Comparing yourself with other gave a lot of social problem to our community. On the other hand. Steemit is a wonderful and amazing community where people do care each other in the form of reward and motivation.

Groups tend to dissolve to their lowest common denominator....human survival wears us down to point of having no fight talks...what is an ideal life? Where do values come from? Role models? Human evolution...where is it leading?

I think we are at a particularly telling crossroads right now @denmarkguy. We are rapidly seeing that the idea of infinite growth in a finite universe, is if anything, not sustainable. I think many folks sense there is something amiss but many can't pinpoint what it is just yet. I don't know how this will play out but I do know I have many meaningful and thoughtful conversations daily that show me there is a better way and there is a new human narrative struggling to be born. I will remain, until proven otherwise, an optimistic realist. :)

no. as a species we are not instinctively violent or destructive, and yet we have been programmed to be exactly that for a long time- for beyond generations. And it will take conscious effort to undo that programming, and yes perhaps even generations, to return to our own natural state of existence.
Well written my friend!
1 unfucker badge tiny.jpg

i really don't think anyone cares , about the world people care about what makes their simple live joyful.and that's kim's ass.

love to reat your post. thanks for sharing

This is so great! You got the great point here......

So, today I'm thinking that the truly wealthy have the bucks, and digital coins, and gold to hide all their riches.

But that's not what bothers me. It is truly disingenuous for these same folks to push their agendas on the general population while trying to make us believe that they themselves are just poor folks like us.

At first you made me tear up with laughter,"kim kadashian's ass or are you being abnormally naive.

love the layout i am waiting your your next post sir !!!!!Amazing and very interessing post thank you for sharing @denmarkguy

Thank's for the post,here are some aspect about human being,people now a days whatever they are doing most of their work destroying this world.They are greedy by born most of them,their competitive mentality creating even more problem.Consumerism is another thing which is causing a lot of problem.Now a days people buy a lot of thing what they really don't need.A lot more thing is also going against our way.

Human being are capable being good and evil, this is what maes us human after all...
Buried deep inside is an insatiable desire for conflict....
This is where worst of us comes out.

The only time we lose is when we give up. Though it does seem the asshats usually win. That's because they don't care about the system, only the rewards it provides them. I, for one, will continue to create as much as I can, not for them or anyone else, but for myself. Stay strong! :)

I am very much in agreement with you, although you really have to see what is the incentive or the goal of using Steemit, for many people is to make a decentralized social network system, to be able to gain enough freedom that other places do not offer, but let's accept it, for the vast majority of Steemit users, I would say that approximately 90% of them are here to make money, so there would not be a crontadiction between idealism and pracmatism in this sense.

I think it's definitely a problem that the platform has because of the fact that it needs to attract people at all costs, but when the platform grows in number, the problem will gradually disappear, because a large number of people will be attending for reasons other than money., as they do on Facebook or Twitter, this does not mean that they reject payments, but that it will no longer be the main objective.

I like to think that the Steemit Community is better than the rest of the world. I don't mean that we're better in a bad way I just mean we pay more attention to things that actually matter as opposed to things like Kim Kardashian's butt.

This post has received gratitude of 1.28 % from @appreciator thanks to: @whatsup.

Always been and will be so in all areas of life, there are those who take things with a lot of commitment and worry about doing them well and dedicate the necessary time so that the result is the best, there are other individuals who give it what same do good or bad, there are those who are only in places where they can sacrifice a profit for themselves, without caring about anything at all and are able to do anything to meet their objectives.
luckily of this type of people there are few here in Steemit, I have read many people who do anything to earn money regardless of the welfare or long life of this project, as I said are the minority, there is much we want the best for our beloved platform and we dedicate many hours publishing, commenting, healing and doing our post.

I wish you a wonderful weekend Many sgracias beloved friend @denmarkguy for touching this particular topic

It seems to be a good adjustment, as it also helps us regular author with burnout.

Given a rare resteem on this one, since I like the focus on rich = DEstructive.That's all any of us can do, so instead of thinking that you are the sum of the 5 people around you, flip that idea on it's head and become an influence for good to your sphere of people. The more we be the change, the faster that change will occur. Looks like you've already got a start on that, followed

Good questions, my blog is how I am personally handling them at the moment. I tend to find bare dichotomies like realist/idealist to be limiting, paralyzing even.

I think my privacy workshop #1 is realistic, and if you add most of the links i post about, I am really trying to anchor myself in actual events.

I don't see how that has to work against the ideals I seek to stand for and find in potential allies. I think I spend more time saying 'these people have been shown to be correct when it wasn't popular' vs. 'these people are heroic ideals of something or other'.

I find in particular western ideals of individualism, creativity, curiosity, historical and scientific truth, currently under attack in the form of the 'post truth' movement(I call it the Truth Never movement, as it is simply the acceptance of the 1984 world where there are extreme class divisions along single party lines, in or out, and those on the outside are expected to live with contradictions and change their beliefs on demand.

When you hear someone say it is what it is, or everything is everything, or everybody lives in their own little world, or you can never know etc etc, yeah, those are the people who have given up already.

Hypernormalization is what it has also been called. Europeans I have recently met say american culture is like, 'i invite you to a bbq, then you invite me to one, until we get bored and stop inviting each other at all' and that it is very shallow and transactional. This was a great confirmation with me, as I believe the last 10 or so years of my life has just been a witness of the disintegration of the human bonds that were supposed to hold american society together. it is very strange and inhuman. acting human is punished. and these are all things that have happened silently, without any overt legal changes.

I find online this contributes, people have seen too much BS, the government agencies flood the internet with disinformation because they know enough of their unjustifiable unconstitutional behavior is out there now. All they can do is break up groups of people who recognize that together, so that the permanent war can go on.

And this is all about the permanent war, the maniacal military mindset that leaches off the entire country as profiteers rake in money a thousand miles away off every bullet fired and taken by soldiers working far less than they probably deserve.

it is difficult to imagine a mass disease that is so offensive ending well. the united states invasion of iraq has gone down in history like the occupation of slovakia by the 3rd reich, the precursor to war, and a sign that american aggression is a global danger. The current resistance of syria to israeli/american aggression is a representation of that reaction, that since the UN is a failure, military force will have to keep the aggressors at bay. Or there will be war in Syria, which for some reason is what everyone thinks is supposed to bring about the end of the world. So we have that going for us.

Basically, these waters into which I regularly wade, are exactly what americans are afraid to get into and why this word 'overwhelming' is so popular. It's hypernormalization, so many changes no time to talk about them all. And it all looks like the end is near so we're constantly having to reapprise every failure. And no solutions ever, and hope is kindof silly. So who is surprised that a lot of people just check out? Which is the intent anyway of the overlords which is really quite twisted.

This is why I am writing privacy workshop and posting links, because I feel that when I parse it out starting from the appropriate angle, that when I write, that I can help people see the important things through the haze of crap. And that is my ideal, that using my words I can say smart things that shine a light through haze. I think every writer should aspire to that, so yeah it's an ideal.

I simply love reading your work. You are a good writer but back to your questions. I think that many people are looking for a quick fix. We want everything fast, right away, now. Sometimes when I check accounts of people who have a pretty good following and nice earnings in their wallet, I see that their number of posts is high as well. When I look at their comments, they engage, respond, thank others for stopping by. This all takes work, lots of work and time. When new people come here and they see potential here on SteemIt, they want it as well and that's why some of them try to find ways and shortcuts in this system. I think it's a matter of how we think. Some of us think short term, meaning what will I have tomorrow. And some of us think long term where we are willing to work on something we can't see yet. The truth is that the short-term mindset will eventually bite us in the butt if I can say it like that. And people will eventually see it and experience it. I am a big believer in hard work, patience, and consistency. Btw, whether you write a long post or a short one I love to read them all.

exuberant & exhilarated!