The outpouring number of ICOs in the recent time is alarming that one will hardly identity the genuine ICOs from the fraud ICOs.
It's a proven fact that the number of Scam ICOs is more than the reliable ones.This is why some measures have been put in place as a guide to the innocent potential investors.
As part of this post I will explain what ICO is all about and share some cardinal points that would help in "identifying the best cryptocurrwncy ICO to invest in"Let's Roll on.
what is ICO?
simply put,Initial Coin Offering (ICO).
Is a crowdfunding method for startups through the use of cryptocurrency.It's a methodology used to raise fund without going through the bureaucratic process.
The first thing a team does before going for ICO is to set up a website ,publish their whitepaper and the language usually English especially if it is blockchain based.
The first thing to look out for is:
•The Team make up
•The Whitepaper
•The Scalability/Resizability
•The Community
Now let's take the breakdown
•Team make up:It's essential to know if the ICO has a strong list of blockchain experts, experienced developers&directors and reliable ICO advisors.you can't have a reliable project without having best brains behind it.
•Whitepaper:The strategic plan of any reliable ICO is embedded in their whitepaper.you need to read the it more once to know the rudiments and terms and conditions(T&C) attached.
You need to specifically focus on how the funds raised is put into proper production development. Does the ICO plan to use blockchain technology or just a proposed fantasy?
•Scalability/Resizability: How scalable is the ICO token,that is;
In terms of:
-Tokenomics-Economic value and usage
-Scalability-Easily to be changed in size/volume
In a nutshell, the ICO should have economic advantages and practical application.
Finally, there is the need to know if the ICO has a strong community that are in demand for the project...because no matter how great the project is,if there is no demand for the ICO project, your investment might end up with a failure.
On a summary note, ICO is a 50/50 chance of business opportunity.but the measures specified above will help you in minimizing the risk of losing out all.
Thanks for taken your time to read this article and I believe is of great help to you.
Don't be entised by the huge ROI(Return on investment specified) Invest wisely!
Good Luck!
Source Image:google.com