Hello,my friends! The Last chance to buy EveryCoin-6days left.ICO ends 26December.
Now you can buy 1 EYC for 0.0000125 ETH or 1 ETH = 80,000EYC
Contract Address 0xb57919aEBB30812ae188dBe238Bc907d56bA4A3a
Token sign (symbol) EYC
Decimal 12
Everycoin is a utility token based on the Ethereum technology that is used as a unit of account between companys, publishers, developers and users in the Aaron System ecosystem.
The Aaron Platform is a new financial platform that combines stable coin(TabiPay) with fluid value coin(EveryCoin) to solve the problems of blockchain speed and high variability of cryptocurrency.
EveryCoin+TabiPay+Aaron Wallet+Aaron Exchange=Aaron Platform consists of the Main BlockChain and Side BlockChains.
What is it?
1.EveryCoin - MainChain is a blockchain operated by the Aaron OS
2.TabiPay - SideChain is a banking BlockChain using transaction chain method
3.ECO-Chain is a tokens and digital assets by evolving one step further in Ethereum technology.
As a result it turns out that the MainChain of the Eco-Chain system will be EveryCoin (EYC)
Dont wait!
WP here https://www.everycoin.io/pdf/Aaron%20Platform_Whitepaper_v1.0.pdf
Great Team: https://www.everycoin.io/#scrollto-section-3
News:EYC signed the 6th listing agreement with the Sistemkoin Exchange (https://sistemkoin.com) which is the largest Exchange in Turkey.
Contacts:https://www.everycoin.io -website
https://t.me/joinchat/KB3SJhP3uv54cmFWwvdznA -Oficial chat
https://twitter.com/AaronJin20 twitter
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