Module ICO - a platform that will allow users to rent spare memory on their computers or other devices!

in #ico7 years ago (edited)


Since the crypto currency has great opportunities they still have a high interest in themselves. But there are also unresolved questions about PoW (energy costs) and centralization of PoS. Most crypto currencies are working on their improvements every day. But at the moment there are no cardinal outputs from the situation, improvements remain within the framework of the usual blockbuster.

In recent years the Crypto currency market has been mixed. A certain number of people with impressive cash controls the majority of the facilities in the mining. This contradicts the original decentralized idea in crypto-currencies. Proceeding from the above, the blockchain today has become centralized and lost its true purpose. The more one person owns a crypto-currency, the easier it is to influence the market, thereby being in unequal conditions with other market participants. And the way out of this situation was found by the specialists of the Project Module.

What is Module?

The module is a unique technology platform with a new transaction confirmation algorithm, which allows you to participate in mining as well as mobile devices. Plus the DApps application will be created, from which users can launch new currencies on this platform.
The Project Module is focused on mobile devices, which would solve the problem with energy consumption. This project has great growth prospects for mining on mobile devices and tablets. Using your device you can receive incentives, which will directly depend on such parameters as the amount of available storage, the duration of use and the type of transaction.

Protocol of PoSTT

The PoSTT protocol is a decentralized network that can store and transfer information between two markets, they are the storage market and the data service market. The PoSTT method was based on the idea of implementing a block system into an existing cloud server system. This method has a number of drawbacks such as service attacks and hacker hacking. In the case of client servers where information is stored and when attacking scammers it can be completely removed, the problem can be solved with the help of P2P blocking technology.

Let’s consider the process of PoSTT block system operation which consists of the main points:

  1. PoSTT has its own coin. The verifier pays a coin for the fact that it is stored, and the Farmer receives coins as a reward for that he gives a place where to store.

  2. The verifier and the farmer make a contract with each other regarding the storage of data. Therefore it is safe to process the data.

  3. The miner who uses blocking technology:
    – checks the content of the smart contract
    – generates blocks
    The miner gives coins to the farmer as a compensation, it is based on the logical calculations of the Farmer, when the unit is ready.

  4. Connecting server. Connects Farmer and Verifier. The server only stores method data without the personal data of the Verifier. Without hiding API data, the server provides other developers with the right to increase the functions of PoSTT blocks.

Keeping the information on the basis of the Module, it is possible to increase the security of data using the “secret distribution”. In other words, “pieces” of information will be simultaneously stored in different places which would minimize the attacks of hackers.

Distribution of tokens

– 60% for mining of crypto-currency (mining);
– 15% for the team and advisers;
– 15% of the sale for all interested persons;
– 5% for ICO;
– 5% private sale.


The project has its own crypto currency – MODL. The cost of one token is $ 0.008. Based on the ERC-20 standard. Hard Cup of this project is $ 18 million, Soft Cup is $ 5 million.


The team has gathered young and active specialists, by the way they already have a great work experience in this field. Your attention is payed to only the part of the team.

In more detail you can get acquainted with all the team members on the official website of the Project Module.


Today almost everybody uses smartphones. The project Module has decided to present to humanity an innovative technology through which people can easily and smoothly participate in the mining. This is an ambitious project of the IT- industry as well as the technology of blockchain does not stand still. The project has grandiose plans and in the near future there are all chances for them to be realized.

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Honestly this is very interesting project . And there is many good concepts .There are so few really great projects. And this will hit top 5 project in the future . Good luck team .

Great article with lots of useful, thought provoking information!

author, I really like your pitch, continue in the same spirit. The project is good,
thanks to you now I will study it more carefully, for possible investment.

Its a very interesting opportunity to be part of this