Blockchain U — the Peer Mountain University Experience

in #ico7 years ago


University is as daunting as it is exciting. The challenges and joys of higher learning often come with a maelstrom of administrative clutter. Registering for classes, getting a student ID card, or signing up for student housing are just a few of the tasks you need to take care of at the start of the school year. These small tasks tend to produce messy paper trails that are now as avoidable as they are infuriating.

A university is an ecosystem with a lot of different interdependent systems and infrastructures. Your student ID, for example, not only lets you register for classes but also confirms that you’re part of the student body, allowing you to, for instance, participate in extracurricular activities, granting you access to university facilities, and entitling you to student discounts. These and other university systems are interdependent yet are incompatible from a technological point of view. This incompatibility is often the source of Kafkaesque administrative chaos and the resultant morass of paper documents.

Let’s look at the university ecosystem as a whole, and examine the effects that integrating Peer Mountain into this network of intertwining systems could have on your life as a student.

Before you can upgrade to Peer Mountain’s paperless university experience, you still have to bring your ID to the registration office. However, instead of a physical ID card, you receive a digital student certificate in your Peer Mountain profile — initiating the creation of the collective digital footprint of your student life. This certificate is immutable proof that the university issued your student certificate. It exists solely in your profile, and only you can share it.

You can now use your new digital ID to enroll in courses and register for campus services, avoiding more paperwork and queues. You sign up for your campus meal plan in a matter of seconds, then add 20 virtual meal vouchers to your Peer Mountain profile. If you find you don’t need all of them, you can sell any number of them to other students.

What defines you as a student is not limited to a handful of data collected and stored in a few university departments. Extracurricular activities and personal achievements are often as important to your post-secondary education as your grade point average (GPA). Perhaps involvement with a social cause or charity has inspired you. Maybe you have done extracurricular work that has earned you the respect of your professors and peers.

Such actions and acknowledgements are traditionally difficult to quantify but incredibly important to your own identity. Any Peer Mountain user can send you subjective testimonials to add to your profile; the value of these attestations lies in the trustworthiness of their sources.

For example, an accredited physics professor sends you a digital certificate confirming your advanced understanding of quantum physics following your participation in an extracurricular experiment. This professor is a highly-regarded and trustworthy source; when you share your Peer Mountain profile with any of his peers, his attestation is as indicative of your abilities and knowledge as your GPA.

You could also get, say, attestations to your work with charities, involvement with social causes, participation and/or excellence in extracurricular activities, and much more.

Your Peer Mountain profile tells the complete story of your university years, and streamlines the administrative processes that are an obligatory part of student life. It shines even brighter once you have to present that life to another person.

Using Peer Mountain in your first post-university job hunt is as easy as swiping right a few times to send prospective employers any and all certificates and attestations they require. Employers no longer need to rely on a varied assortment of documents to verify the astonishing claims you’re making on your CV. Instead, Peer Mountain provides them with digital validations from all relevant parties that have attested to your digital identity.

Universities that integrate Peer Mountain throughout their infrastructure will help simplify life for students during and beyond their studies. These institutions will also gain new revenue-generating opportunities as attestation providers. For instance, every time an alumnus shares their digital diploma to confirm their GPA, the recipient pays the university in Peer Mountain Tokens, making every diploma a potential lifelong source of passive income.

This is just a small taste of how transformative Peer Mountain’s technology can be. We can expect similar everyone’s-a-winner scenarios for healthcare systems, tax services, car rental agencies, scuba diving licenses, and more!

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