DatabrokerDAO Global market for local data

in #ico6 years ago

Probably, most of the things we'll talk about today you heard only in science fiction. But, nevertheless, this is an objectively existing reality, which can not but rejoice. We begin a review of the DataBrokerDAO, a platform that will help you make money on the functioning of your home appliances.

Things have merged into the Internet

Do you know what is the Internet of things, or IoT, as this phenomenon is called abbreviated? Most likely, yes, it is in this direction that the technique that surrounds us is developing. IoT is a system of interactions of technical devices across the network, to improve the performance of each element and the system as a whole. In short, one of the most striking examples of the Internet of things is the "smart house" system. 

In IoT, subjects constantly analyze information around themselves, transfer it to processing in a central computer, which takes actions at their discretion or offers options to their master - the person. However, recently, a person is becoming an increasingly less and less necessary link for ensuring the stable and correct operation of the Internet of things.

And if during our short story, you, after examining the place where you still live, think that such technologies are waiting for us, at least several years later, we have prepared for you a small research that you can do yourself. If you are the owner of a phone brand of Apple, or one of the new smartphones of another brand, then carefully scroll through the list of their standard applications - one of them will be just for managing the home IoT.

Moreover, if you open an application store with a request for smart house, then the number of software products that perform the function of managing the home IoT will impress even more. Software developers already know that mass use of such technology will begin soon, despite the fact that it still has a list of flaws regarding security and other things.

Moreover, in developed countries, a stratum of societies called wealthy households has made smart systems in their home something like a trend. It has become fashionable to show off the hi-tech novelties that they place around the house.

But the Internet of things is not only a light switch that reacts to the voice of the host, or a refrigerator that distributes the airflows relative to the density of the products that are stored in it. In the sense in which DataBrokerDAO speaks about it is a set of sensors that gather information about your house and everything that happens inside it and a little outside.

One of the most common examples is the smart system for providing air in the house. Throughout the room there are sensors that measure:

  • Temperature outside and inside
  • Pressure
  • Humidity level
  • Oxygenation
  • Area of ​​the room
  • The average number of people who are usually in the room

…and much more. You understand that there is no limit to perfection, and every day more and more new systems are being released, which by adding measured parameters make air conditioning in the room even more perfect. 

By removing all this information, such systems can maintain an ideal temperature that will provide comfort to all who are in the room. Nevertheless, for such an ordinary task, at first glance, it is required to measure a lot of different indicators, and then, to establish even more regularities that in one way or another influence the final result-the atmosphere in the room.

Product that you own

Calling this section, we decided to address those who have already installed such systems in their homes and really own what we are talking about right now. When you installed similar equipment in the house, you did it for the sake of a certain benefit - to have more comfort at home. But you probably have not thought about that you can reduce the cost of maintaining such equipment, if they will bring you a certain profit. 

There are so many people around who want to know what data the sensors of your home collect, your activity, and especially how you use different devices:

  • Research organizations, it's their bread. Receiving similar metadata, they analyze them, generalize and sell ready-made studies to commercial organizations.
  • Kommersants, and where without them. Sometimes, producers and distributors of various kinds of equipment do not necessarily have to seek advice from scientists on how to use the information they received. At the same time, they need to know how often you cook, wash your hands, turn on the lights and stuff to create the most suitable products.
  • Thieves-burglars. A joke, a blockage will not allow them to get such data about your house, and later we will tell why.
  • Public and private developers. They want the housing they built to bring them profit. Therefore, the location, temperature, natural lighting, should be one that satisfies the vagaries of the client. Therefore, they do not mind getting information from IoT sensors for their needs.

Well, if you think that this is a complete list, then you are very wrong. Businessmen sometimes come up with very interesting ways of solving various problems, using the data that you produce and your home equipment. Therefore, buyers for your product will be significantly more than you can imagine. By setting a conditionally small fee for the fact that some company will receive data about your ventilation system. However, here the interested person will face a significant problem: there is no such information in the market of trade, however there are monopolists - the companies producing equipment that collects the information.

As a result, they, knowing about their preferential position, do not hesitate in choosing prices for their services. Thus, ordinary companies that are not provided with capital for such grandiose purchases, remain without the necessary data to produce high-quality and competitive products.

Moreover, most of the data collected by conglomerate companies has nothing to do with quality information products. As if instead of a book, you sold a set of pages, and you still had to fold them to understand the contents.

These problems can cope with DataBrokerDAO. Their solution using the block system can create market relations of a completely new level and present to the outdated system another participant in the process - the data provider, the user who owns the equipment and is ready to share the results of his work with the world.

About how this will happen, you will learn in the next part of the review , where we will fully disclose the interaction side, the benefits that they will receive, and also a little fantasy about the future. To be continued!


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