How to ensure your ICO will succeed with performance marketing

in #ico6 years ago

There are these ICO projects that instantly reach their hard cap of tens of millions USD, within 2 minutes after launching their ICO. Here you are halfway through your campaign and you start realizing that this won’t be the case for you. Isn’t that every marketing director’s nightmare? Halfway through your campaign you notice you will not reach the goal you set for your hard cap. You want to do something about it, but as you can’t follow the performance of your marketing campaign, you also can’t react on it, as a result you can’t optimize your campaign leading into a community that’s not only stagnant, but also you feel like there is very little members who actually want to invest. You soon realize you’re not making your deadline. And worst case scenario, your ICO might even fail.

As a marketing agency for ICOs, we have had the same worries for our clients. But through our hard work and always growing expertise, we managed to get some insight into how to tackle these issues. We have found some solutions, which may help you in ensuring that your ICO project won’t fail, don’t worry we’ll share them with you!

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Traditional marketing often doesn’t guarantee an instant success

Conducting an ICO, means that you set a deadline for your project in which you will try and reach a hard cap. It’s extremely important to make it to this deadline, so that your project is not doomed to fail. Success in this case means reaching your hard cap, but it’s also influenced by a lot of different factors.

In order to stand out and increase your success rate, you can reach out to a marketing agency to help you out with the marketing. This way you might get more exposure, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you will get more conversions. True, they will offer you the resources that they possess, and help you put everything in place. In this, there is a difference between agencies that work cost-efficiently and those agencies who have a higher pricing, that focus on getting big results with big money.

In reality, the usual agency, often too much focuses on this budget and the profit they will make from it. They often forget to look at how the business really is performing during the campaign and how to help out the business in the first place. While the campaign is ongoing, there is very little to no communication about the results. There often is a lack of resources in monitoring the way that the advertisement campaigns are performing. This not being transparent towards their clients, often results in low engagement rates. After all, getting a lot of exposure, growing community etc. doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a high conversion rate. These agencies charge a lot, for big campaigns, but the results don’t translate.

Luckily, there is also those agencies who offer a cost-efficient marketing strategy, based on performance marketing, where you can easily track and measure the results of your campaign.

Trackable, measurable & optimizable

These cost-efficient agencies offer you real value for your spent budget. They realize that before you actually can start building your brand, it’s important to have something to build. In order to reach that goal, it’s important for an agency to first provide you help in identifying the weaknesses and areas of improvement within your project that might hinder investments.

This makes the difference between being perceived as a legitimate ICO or a fraude. The agencies who offer such a project assessment, have the best interest in your company. What they do is provide suggestions and recommendations in the form of an action plan and offer a “completion rating”.

Apart from having your project assessed, they achieve this cost-efficiency by identifying and targeting the right people. The ones who will invest their money and time in your campaign. Those are the people you want to be part of your community.

Moreover, these agencies have the tools and resources to monitor how your ICO is performing. They achieve this first of all by getting the best coverage cost-effectively. You basically pay less for better quality and diversity in various channels. They do this by manipulating influential factors, such as targeting, written content and visuals to boost performance. This is done by measuring of analytics to increase the ROI of your campaigns.

In order to increase that ROI you need to monitor the key metrics and traffic flow of your campaign in order to understand results from operational activities and what’s affecting them. This will make sure that you will be able to optimize your campaign and thus direct more traffic to your main marketing collateral.

The biggest advantage of performance marketing is that it’s trackable and it’s measurable. You will be able to track every click, it isn’t based on estimates, but it’s based on actual results. The effectiveness of the marketing campaign can thus be determined accurately, down to the mouse click.

Final thoughts

So you were thinking that your ICO would fail? Think again! There are other solutions to your problem. By measuring and tracking the success of your campaign, you can guarantee a happy ending towards reaching your hard cap.

To summarize, the most important things to succeed with your ICO is to stand out from your competitors. This can be done by assessing your project before embarking on any campaigns to promote your brand. When the assessment is done, you need to focus on monitoring the results of your campaign. Performance marketing will help you in understanding how effective your marketing campaign really is and can determine its success, down to the mouse click.

Hopefully this article has helped you in understanding how you can make sure that your ICO will definitely make the deadline and you will succeed. If you would like get even more insight on how to conduct a cost-effective and successful ICO marketing campaign, read our guidebook.


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